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Don't be shy! The reason you stumbled upon the OBE site and this forum was because you want to know more about telepathic sex. Post your experience or question...help others. We're all in this together!
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I really love this girl and want to use telepathy to show my passion. I already revealed my feelings but due to circumstances am in another city. I don't know what she does all the time except that she is at wok during the day, and at bed during midnight. I have never tried telepathy, but do I just visualize kissing and caressing her, or do I have to physically go through her imaginary body? My email is mdbowness@hotmail.com Thank you very much. |
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Thank you for your question! I talked about this the other day in the OBE sex blog. Telepathic sex is two people connecting mind, energy in real time. A simple way to connect to someone is to: 1. Close your eyes 2. Imagine the other person as vividly as possible 3. Imagine you and this other person encased in a ball of light. 4. Imagine yourself kissing your partner, fondling them and anything else you two could do if you were being physically intimate. 5. When you're done - simply stop imagining. The way you know you are connect and this isn't just a fantasy: 1. Your sacral chakra may feel pressure, tingle or vibrate 2. Lightheaded 3. Nausea 4. Energy moves up your spine 5. Body trembles 6. Headache Now not all of the above will take place - as it is different for everyone. Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
I stumbled upon telepathic sex by accident really. There is someone I love deeply and we are not able to be together for various reasons. We have never really spoken in detail about our feelings, though once, several years ago I mentioned I thought we had a weird connection in passing. My having made that observation startled them enough to actually end our friendship, but stranger and stranger things happen "inside" as if a completely separate relationship has continued to evolve independent of our physical reality.
One night about a year ago, it occurred to me to try to reach out to my friend with my soul, and the next thing I knew, I was in their apartment and they were looking at me a little confused, but not unwelcoming. We almost immediately burst open and poured light into each other through all our chakra points, and it actually seemed like something that happened to us, rather than something we did intentionally. We were both "watching" the process take place and equally stunned by it. After a few short moments of that exchange, I "snapped out of it" and was back at home. Since then, we have been visiting each other in this way more and more often, and the experience is often sexual in nature, though not always. There has been escalation in intensity, duration and frequency. Also, there is more apparent intent coming from both of us as we are learning more and experimenting with the possibilities. It is very exciting and fun, but also unsettling as I know this person in "real life" and the escalation has been just gradual enough to keep me doubting these experiences are real. Meaning, I am afraid to approach this person to see if they know what is happening to us. Especially due to the defensive and friendship-ending reaction I got the last time I mentioned anything out of the ordinary going on between us. We spend very little time in each other's presence in person, and we are never alone together. I've read many of the posts on your blog, and my experiences pass all the tests of energy signature, sacral chakra sensations, etc. In fact, I don't even take notice until I begin to feel a tingling or butterflies type feeling in either my sacral chakra or solar plexus. I have come to refer to that sensation as "the calling." Basically, I am sure that what is happening is NOT fantasy or dreams. I very rarely initiate, I am wide awake when it happens and they are etheric encounters with a specific person I know in life. This "arrangement" has actually become quite difficult to endure emotionally and intellectually, but my love for this other person will not allow me to sever what feels like a sacred bond between us which has allowed us to explore each other in this way. It doesn't seem possible for us to exchange such intense amounts of sexually charged energy without BOTH of us being aware of it when it happens. I wonder if you have any guidance for someone like me? |
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In reply to this post by Allie
I just recently started a new relationship with some one. It started out as just friends getting to know each other as we travel in the same circle. We instantly got along hanging out with each other and felt very at peace when we are with each other (which is great because we are both very busy people completely consumed by work normally). One day while hangign out we started kissing and it turned passionate very quickly. The sex was intense. It was as if our bodies had already known each other for years and knew exactly how to please each other. That was about 3 weeks ago. Yesterday we were driving back home (me driving) from running errands and reminiscing about our latest sexual marathon, when i felt this heat come off of him. it instantly hit me and i started to feel a strong deep desire. he started moaning and i started feeling more energy off of him which caused me to start quivering. I started to feel different sensations all over my body, imagining him kissing my neck his body against my back, i started building up an orgasm and so was he. we were both completely physically aroused and orgasming with out even touching each other. Every time he had a thought of any kind my body reacted to it as if it was actually happening. neither of us have ever experienced that in the past before and were able to kind of reactivate that sensation a bit later on in the day. I started investigating it and found this on telepathic sex. While i am pretty sure this is what he and i experienced, i keep on wanting to get an explanation as to why both he and i are able to do this with each other and never before with any of our previous partners. Can some one please explain to me possible reasons why he and i have this connection?
i can be emailed at iamjessiejames@gmail.com |
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What an experience! Lucky you two!! You both have known each other as lovers in past lives. That's why it was so easy to connect and be with each other energy wise. You can do this with anyone you know that you have not had a past life with - it just take practice.
Just an FYI - not a good idea to put your email addy on an open forum. You never know who might pick it up! Happy OBE'ing! Allie ;) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi Allie,
I have a friend that I seem to have intense telepathic sex with, although we never talk about face-to-face about it. At night I have intense visions of her climbing into bed with me and undergo all the sexual feelings that ensue and wonderful orgasms. Also, if I masturbate and concentrate on her, not long afterwards I'll get a text from her saying hello. Is this classic telepathic sex? |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Can your astral lover decide to have sex with you while you are back in your physical body? At times I swear I can feel my lover’s penis pumping me while I’m awake doing other things, very embarrassing when I start having orgasms while at work!
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In reply to this post by Dana61
It is telepathic sex if you feel some sort of vibration or pressure or even a tingling in your solar plexus chakra ( 2 in above navel). If you feel nothing at all in your solar plexus chakra than it is a fantasy, and therefore that person's energy is not actually there.
Hope that helps!
Allie :)
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In reply to this post by Dana61
It is telepathic sex if you feel some sort of vibration or pressure or even a tingling in your solar plexus chakra ( 2 in above navel). If you feel nothing at all in your solar plexus chakra than it is a fantasy, and therefore that person's energy is not actually there.
Hope that helps! Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
I met a man 6 years ago. When we first met, I sensed that we quickly established a connection. We became very close as friends. I admit there was a strong attraction between us, but we remained friends because both of us are already involved with someone else. We are both in love and happy with each of our own partners. Another thing is, we are both devoted Biblical Christians that is why we were also careful to maintain a healthy friendly relationship. After 2 years of being separated from each other, I could say I heard his voice in my head, then I could feel a strong physical sensation as if he is here touching me. And I could say a number of times we made love. I do not see him physically but I feel the strong physical sensation on my body as if he was really here. It stopped for 3 years. Now it started again. what is this I am experiencing? Because both of us are devout Christians and this thing which you call the telepathic sex in reality is against our convictions and beliefs. I remember he once told me that he can levitate when he concentrates and he knows how to do magic. He lives in a different region. Therefore we do not see each other anymore but occasionally we text each other. |
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Hi Katerina,
Yes, you are experiencing a telepathic connection and telepathic sex. We all have an automatic response to not let everyone into our personal space. But if someone that we know gets through and it bothers us - you can still remove them from your energy. The next time you feel him, imagine yourself using your hands and pushing him away while you are saying NO. If he comes back - do it again and again. Tell him he is not wanted in this manner. Because this is a telepathic connection and not a physical one, you can shout this in your head as opposed to saying it out loud. If he is any type of friend, he will respect your wishes. You do not have to practice magic or anything like that to be able to do a telepathic connect. Energy is everywhere and everywhere is energy. All you have to learn how to do is to open up the doorways of connective energy. There's nothing magical about that. Take care, Allie ;) |
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Hello Allie
![]() Thank you for replying. I truly appreciate it. Can we converse with the person, whom we have telepathic sex with? Coz every time we make love telepathically( I use the term make love because, my friend doesn't like to use the term sex.) really as if he is physically here. I can audibly hear my friend's voice and we talk in our minds. He say that he has a deep attraction towards me, and he want to express it in the most intimate way. He says it's not about the sex but it's about to express his affection towards me. My friend told me in our telepathic state, I'm irresistible that's why he can't stop coming on to me. I remember the very first time it happened, I was alone in my bed room then suddenly I felt "his" body on top of me and then I felt the penetration and the strong pumping in my inner thighs. Then I heard a very familiar voice in my head. The voice of Jon. He said I love you Katerina. My friend's name is Jon, he is so handsome, smart, talented and caring. He is every girl's dream guy! Every time I feel him, I tried to resist many times but in the end I give in. I could say it's a firework! What's the cause of me still giving in? Is it because of the fact that I am attracted to Jon ? Why does Jon initiates all the time? does this mean he is really attracted to me? And he only got the guts to admit it in the telepathic way? What bothers me though is we are both committed with somebody else in our real/physical lives and I can confidently say, We are in love with our partners. |
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Hi Again!
To answer your questions: 1. Yes you can communicate (talk) during telepathic sex. 2. You are still attracted to him 3. Yep 4. He's attracted to you 5. Yep 6. You betcha You can always say no to Jon. If you are really committed and in love with your partners and having telepathic sex with Jon makes you feel guilty. Then all you have to do is say no :) Just like in the physical world, when someone hears no long enough, they usually go away. Hope that helps! Allie :) |
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Hello Allie,
![]() ![]() I really appreciate that you always take the time to answer my queries. I hope you will not get tired of attending to my queries. Let me give you a little background about Jon. In real/physical life he is a mild mannered man. I could say he is a gentleman. In fact I never heard him uttered a bad word. He is a respectable person and a devoted husband, he is also a wonderful friend. He inspire me. He is handsome,smart talented and kind hearted like I said before. Now here are my concerns: 1. In the duration of our Telepathic "relationship" there are times that he is like this different person. He is aggressive to a point that even though I say No to him, when he likes to be intimate with me, He still get he wants. Can a person change his personality in the telepathy realm? 2. Does Jon tend to be aggressive in the telepathy realm because in the real/physical life he can't be with me intimately? Thank you Allie, all the answers you gave me were a big help. |
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Hi Katherine!
In the OBE realm, whether it's dream, astral or telepathic, a soul is nothing but energy. It's not confined to the human body or controlled by the brain. Therefore a soul can most certainly display characteristics during a connection that he or she would not display in human form. That said, it is troubling that your friend does not know how to take "no" for an answer. That is rude and just as uncalled for in the OBE realm than it is in the physical realm. The next time he wants to be intimate with you energy wise - you say no and he doesn't go anywhere - do this: 1. Imagine that you are physically pushing him away with your hands as you mentally shout NO (it has to be a stern NO). 2. As soon as you push him away - see/hear a pair of steel doors slam into place between you and him. That should be good enough to push him away. If he comes back - do it again. As far as him being aggressive in-world because he can't have you out-world is a possibility. I would have to take a good look at his energy and that would require a reading/advice to do so. Hope that helps! Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
I get intense tingling in my breasts every time during and prior to sexual telepathy with my partner and sessions are quite intense and exciting...its how I know he is there. Solar plexus is a little lower. This intense vibrations are in my nipples. Have you heard of this happening? Thanks.
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Hi Alexandra!
Yep :) What is happening is your nipples is where he places his concentration when he connects. Whatever place the instigator focuses is on will tingle - it could be nipples, lips, neck, penis, etc...you get the picture. There is still something happening in your solar plexus, but whatever it is, is overshadowed by the tingles. Does that make sense? Thanks for posting your story and your question! Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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Thanks Allie....I had a feeling that was the case but wanted to make sure. I love and desire this man like no other and if we ever have a physical relationship it will be amazing. I feel he is my true soulmate and when actually with him felt like I was hit by a bolt of lightening and thunderbolt which never happened before and almost felt like I was in a trace and that he almost kissed me. This has all caught me off guard but it feels so wonderful to connect at this level....wish me luck.....thanks again.
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One of the many things that's great with having such a close relationship to someone is when the physical sex takes place - at the time of orgasm, your astral bodies roll out and meet to have an astral orgasm, which in turn will intensify the physical orgasm.
It's all good :) Allie |
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