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I too have been in a telepathic relationship for the last 5 years. 2 of the years I worked closely with the man and the last three years of been all telepathic. My emotions have run the gammit of believing I am completely crazy or I am walking on heaven............We knew we had special feeling for each other but we were married to other people. When I quit working for him 3 years ago I thought the feeling would go away. The feelings intensified and it seemed our connection was stronger. But in the physical world we became more distant. I remember the first time almost 3 years ago when we made love for the first time telepathically. I was riding in the back seat of a car and couldn't believe what my body was doing. I knew it was him, his hands caressing me and his urgency evident. Wow. It was an amazing orgasm. I pictured him at his office (it was Saturday) and he was stroking himself during our joining. His office is his sanctuary and his only privacy. From that time on it has been constant and wonderful yet bitter/sweet at the same time. We yearn to be together but it is in the universe's hands.
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What a great story SQ! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with everyone!!
Anyone else want to share? I hope so as no two OBE experiences are experienced the same! Take care, Allie :) |
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Blessing everyone!
Please let me just share a background There is this man weve known each other for about 3years I know that we are attracted to each other. We kissed and he calls me flirts with me but we havent done the real deed and then for some reasons he just suddenly pulls away. He doesnt forget to greet me on my birthday christmas newyear. During those times I can just feel his energy and intense lovemaking and it really feels good. Months have passed by we reconnected again we saw each other and we had sex this time and thenhe suddenly again pulls away. Never heard from him again Its been 3weeks now. . And before I read this blog I was vividly imagining him making love to me hearing his voice that he loves me adores me and he wants me badly. Sometimes during the day I can feel him touching me and I suddenly become aroused. I have been sending him thoughs to call me and spend time with me but I never heard from him Thank you and I hope you can share some of your thoughts. |
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Hi Divine!
Wonderful experiences with the person you are interested in! Thank you for sharing. The connection can be so intense that it can feel like the person is right in front of you! No matter if it is via telepathic connection or in person - you can ask a person to call or to email, but they only will if it is something that they want to do. It could be that he has been busy or that he prefers to keep your relationship in the OBE world only. There are some people who like to keep the two worlds separate. Hope that helps! Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi Allie,
I met that one guy lately, and I felt this crazy intense warmth, around my sacral chakra, which quickly made me sweat and such. We did not touch each other at that point. It was so intense, was it only sexual attraction or something more? Then we had sex and shortly after, I had dreams of him. The thing is i knew he was kind of stressed out in his personal life, and I felt nervous and even distressed in my kind of lucid dream. I woke up. He was asleep. I went back to sleep. Dreamt of him again. Woke up again etc. like 4 times or so. I have no idea what happened. We don't know each other that well, but it seems to me that I could "feel" him as I was asleep. Could sex actually provoke that kind of telepathy? Thank you! |
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Hi There!
The sex stimulated your energy field and with your field strengthened, telepathy came to you much easier than before :) The more times you engage in OBE sex or physical sex with him, the stronger your energy becomes! Have fun!! Allie :) |
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I feel like a new dimension opening right before my eyes.
Thank you Allie for making all this knowledge available. |
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You're more than welcomed! I appreciate you sharing your experiences and asking questions. That's how we learn!
Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Dana61
I think I'm getting there with my person- but not all the way- y'all make me jealous!!! Lol 💖
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In reply to this post by Allie
hi so there's this girl i really like but where close friends and she has a boyfriend what do i do?
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In reply to this post by Allie
I've been experiencing all sorts of telepathic conversations, thought flash images and telepathic sex for about a year now with a guy who is married and avoiding a real life affair with me despite the fact we don't see each other much. The connection in real life is very strong; he won't speak to me but he doesn't need to because his eyes say everything and he can't help but drift towards me whenever possible to get a better look at me or get closer without looking obvious in front of others. I've had occasions where I've been sitting having my coffee on a Saturday around lunchtime and all of a sudden I feel like I'm in the middle of a hot and heavy sex session being thrown up against a wall and holding onto him for dear life; tender lovemaking sessions where I've never felt so close to anyone; him waking me up in the morning and the messages to look at a specific internet page, tune into the radio to hear his band playing their first single because I can hear him singing it - it's nuts!! One day he materialised and put his hands on my shoulders that I felt as if real when I was upset and crying about something that I didn't even really feel I needed any comfort for but he must've sensed I was upset. The things I feel with him I've never felt with anyone before in my life. The worst thing is that I don't know if he realises he is doing this. I have come to realise that this is a past life connection over many lifetimes but I'm not sure how or the why of resolving it. Got any advice or ideas Allie?
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In reply to this post by SQ
Hi again Allie
I just listened to your podcast on Twin Flames and went through the exercise and I have to say it totally matches the feeling in my heart chakra that I have when having telepathic sex or connection with this guy. In real life the attraction is like a force field but this morning I had a dream with him and in the dream we hugged and my heart felt so big, tingly and joined to his, so close like no one else I've ever been with but I also had, as I always do, a deep sense of peace. I went through the exercise again and connected to him and we had really passionate, intense telepathic sex. Now I'm wondering if my sense that he is my Twin Flame is real. |
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In reply to this post by divine
I don't know how to even post this. But there's this guy I have felt so connected to for about 9 months now. We were seeing eachother for a while and then it abruptly stopped for reasons that I do know and understand. We both had other people in each other's lives. I can't seem to shake him at all. I'm trying so hard. But anyway, last night I layed down to go to sleep and all of a sudden I felt like I was in his home watching him masterbate thinking of me. I could see his face, his footing, where he was sitting and everything. I could feel my energy rise and tingles in my own body. I swear it was like I was watching him and feeling his own sensations. Has anyone else experienced this? Am I going crazy? This was the weirdest thing I have ever experienced. It was like once he climaxed, my mind went back to my own room and I was just left wondering. Well what the hell was that?!! Any Advice or knowledge would be awesome. I'm just trying to break the connection with this guy and then things like this occur. Help!!! Lol.
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Hi Nickstar
Yes, I have had this at the beginning. I was sitting on my bed, wide awake one morning and I could see him lying on my bed masturbating. When he started projecting, I was at a party when suddenly I saw him standing naked as if he was in front of me but he was in his bedroom staring at an empty bed at 4am - he's married so I doubt his bed was actually empty unless he was working away that Friday night. At one point he seemed to have a thing for Saturday mornings and would appear in my room waking me up by playing a song (part-time musician, full time creative profession). A lot of things have since happened and he went through a stage of sleeping with me every night. I too attempted to break the connection and I found it unbearable; I couldn't settle, was restless and he nagged me telepathically. In fact, the day after I asked for the connection to be stopped, advertising billboards appeared overnight with his name in huge, bold capital letters and a picture of a guy who looked similar. I realised it was hopeless and let him back in and it's been much calmer since then. I still get the telepathic conversations and sex. The freakiest thing was I sent him an fb chat message (we're not friends) so it went into his 'other' folder on 30th November and I figured he would never see it. The other morning I woke up thinking of him, happened to be scrolling looking for a particular fb message and noticed he saw the message on 30th January where in the early hours of 30th January he appeared to me and gave me a rose made of green light from his heart chakra. I would say look at what this relationship is teaching you and once you have that figured out it will be easier for you to let go from your side. Even though we want to block them, there's a part of us that wants to keep the connection. |
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Thank you so much for sharing. Glad to know I wasn't crazy!!! Sent from my iPhone On Mar 3, 2015, at 3:45 PM, Maria19 [via OBE (Astral, Dream & Telepathic) Sex] <[hidden email]> wrote:
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Love that you and Maria19 tossed this back and forth! It's easy to think you're crazy as telepathic anything isn't logical in nature. As humans we try to sort things out and compartmentalize them so we feel normal like what we think other people are like.
Plus - it's always nice to know you're not crazy :) A:) |
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Hi Allie
Nice that you should post this today. With all the energies and shifts with eclipses, planets and ascension purging, my man has been super active the last 2 days. We are defo twin flames and everything has just become more intense (as if this was possible!). Unfortunately though, our missions are very different and we'd agreed before coming here not to be together this time. Enforcing this is difficult though because we're in the same town so we know we can 'bump into' each other and right now he is nagging me telepathically to go to his gig tomorrow night. It may be easier once I move in a couple of years as I'm meant to travel and he can't leave his kids and needs to stay with them. I recently told a psychic friend about this relationship thinking she would understand but the response was the total opposite. So for anyone else out there who is having a relationship, physical or otherwise with their twin flame, no one else will understand what you are going through unless they have had that experience themselves. Honestly! Stick to forums where people understand. You aren't going crazy, you aren't hallucinating, it is really happening, you are really feeling it and know that it's a gift because not everyone has this experience. It is something so special. Even if it proves to not last or be inconsistent, take the extreme joy, love and bliss from the moments you have had together and use that feeling to bring you into re-experiencing those feelings in the present moment - if your body feels it, you will be in it. Enjoy!! |
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tired of being accussed of it |
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In reply to this post by Allie
My boy friend keeps telling me I am having fantom. Sex. But it is not true for me. What do i do to make him quit
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hello Allie and everyone,
I stumbled upon your video talking about astral, dream, and telepathic sex on YouTube. That was really informative. I thought I was having astral sex, when in fact I have been having telepathic sex all along. Thank you for clarifying the difference between the two. I have been having telepathic sex regularly for about two years now... with two different women (I am a lesbian). One of them is a soulmate of mine who lives thousands of miles away and whom I have not spoken with tangibly for a few years. We used to have passionate encounters telepathically all the time, but since I attracted my second telepathic partner we have not been connecting nearly as often as we used to. My second telepathic sex partner (hereafter abbreviated as "TSP") came to me suddenly while I was having fun with the first one mentioned above. My second TSP lives locally, and we are classmates. I developed an attraction to her immediately after she first introduced herself to me and after a week, I was smitten. I was starting to sense that she was feeling the same for me, as well. One evening as I was thinking about this classmate, I suddenly felt my heart pounding and this all-too-familiar feeling in my solar plexus. Was it my TSP from afar? No... it couldn't be... in her time zone, she would be asleep already. Besides, it was a totally different energy... then I realized that it was my beloved classmate making love to me. "*******, is it you,? " I inquired. "Oh, yes it is... you know it's me," was the answer I felt from her. That was a little over three months ago. We make love quite often (at least a couple of times a day, if we can manage) and our encounters are sizzling, intense, and passionate. In this vibrational plane, we tell each other how we truly feel and I can feel our connection getting stronger. In "physical reality," we don't talk to each other let alone make much eye contact mostly due to her intentions. I wanted to explore things on the physical plane, but just like with my first TSP from afar, I have made peace with the fact that the intimacy I have with my classmate (my second TSP) is purely vibrational/spiritual. Whenever my second TSP and I see each other in person, the sexual energy between us is smoldering even though we're not undressing each other with our eyes. None of our peers know what's going on except us (and I am going to keep it that way). Then usually, later that evening we are vibrationally ripping off each other's clothes and going at it like two teenagers in heat. Just in case you're wondering, I can always tell the difference between my two TSPs... like I said earlier, their energies and personalities are totally different. I am different with both of them, as well. For example, I've noticed that I'm more aggressive with my second TSP. I am looking forward to attracting my physical lover soon. I don't know whether I will continue having telepathic sex with my two TSPs after that, but for now I love and enjoy connecting particularly with my second TSP. With my first TSP, I've been connecting with her more emotionally and not so much having sex. Thanks for reading, Mimi P.S. From the very beginning, telepathic sex has always been consensual with both of my TSPs. If I am being seduced but not in the mood, I will let her know and she will back off. And visa versa. |
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crazyflowerlady |
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