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That's great that you can request what you want. And yes, if you have a high sex drive then being able to have telepathic sex is a god send. But please do not let this be a substitute for engaging in having a real life relationship. You can enjoy both if you want; look at it as another form of 'self pleasuring'. I do know what you mean about not wanting to put on a public display - can be tricky. However, having a real life partner for love and sex is something most of us need and want. Maybe you need to redefine what you need from a real life relationship? Maybe you want to try an open relationship or have a partner you can swing with to fulfil your sexual needs? I know sex is an important part of a relationship, perhaps you can find someone who can give you most of what you need emotionally and sexually and use the telepathic sex to fill in the gap? Totally up to you of course. Enjoy your orgasms.
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In reply to this post by Allie
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hello I'm Emily my dream was having sex with my nephew Robbie who is 15,wtf it felt so real
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HI Emily - nice to meet you.
You and your nephew were probably lovers in a past life. That's why you had the dream sex connection. You're not attracted to his current teen self - but who he was in a previous life. You might want to consider a past life regression someday to explore more about your past lives. Happy dreaming :) A |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Wonder if anyone still follow this. I just started to send mental messages lately to people. Mostly it is to send them love and protection. I learned that watching a YouTube vid on it and thought be it true or not, it is always a good thing to do for my friends.
For one person, B, when I asked him if I could come into his heart space, he would always said yes. Not surprising, as he is a fantastic friend. And I do have feelings for him and somehow I just know he might too. But we are too far and too old (we are both in our 40s but single) to want to try long distance relationship. However, with him, I feel that he is the one I am supposed to spend my life with. I have had just feelings before. I knew exactly where I would work, where I would study before it happened so I feel that I cannot ignore such feelings at times. After a few mornings of sending messages, it started that when I send his mental messages, I could feel him saying don't leave him. So I stayed a bit longer. This staying a bit longer soon became sexual. It came to the point where I would feel like he was really making love to me. And I would reach ecstasy physically. The feeling was so real, like we had been physically in bed together. It always made me feel so sedated and good that I just want more of what we can do when we are in that state of just pure bliss. I do not dare talk to him about it because I find it a bit embarrassed by it sometimes. I wonder if it is me just having a great imagination or if it is really happening. |
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i do follow, i kinda like have the same problem/question!
somehow i am sure he/they (by now) know what they/we are "doing", but I have NO chance to ask in "real" live... how will we get the answer? all i know is that i never start the "act", it feels soooooooooo real, in real life they behave (d) and act (ed) differently towards me and weird, yet normal somehow and very, very close, although we are no friends. do u understand me?! i am soory, i am just so confused. i just had this problem today again. i see him very, very seldomly and the meetings used to be once a month, now they are around every 8-10 weeks and the relationship is on a professional level, he seems to try to avoid me, but when i want to cut loose, he says no, and after 5 min, after leaving the meetings, i start to feel the gazillions of butterflies in my stomach. all the time. and i don't know if i go nuts or if we really talk on a telepathic level. and then i feel him... very intense. if he is alone "doing it", my body reacts like crazy, until he is done and i cannot stop it, i feel when he is done. WHY???? is he thinking of me? and then most of the time i feel him trying to convince me to join in and it is very hard to resist. i cant manage all the time. but DOES HE KNOW what we are doing??? HE must! mustn't he? we talk and feel each other ... but today i met him again, i wanted so bad to talk about it, but i didnt dare. he was very close again, too close for this kind of relationship, yet too normal for these experiences we share. but if i feel EVERYTHING, he must as well, mustn't he?! doesn't he start it on purpose? and he is sort of always "there", i could go to bed... constantly... and when it started, there was someone else, i had NEVER heard of real soulmate, twinflame, telep. sex.... and i felt when he was haveing sex with someone else. WHY and HOW? and by now there are 4/5 men whom i feel when they are "active"... ANNOYING!!! HOW IS IT POSSIBLE??? please,please, tell me , if u know one, two .--- answers. i go crazy. and tinimee, please ask him. if he is a friend u can ask him. maybe a bit careful. i would love to hear from u again! good luck and enjoy anyway ;-) |
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Hello Asda!
Wow, I was beginning to think no one would be reading. I really do not think I have the guts to try asking. I am only able to judge by how he responds to me lately. He is more open and he can be quite naughty in a subtle way like he would go a roundabout way to get me to say if I sleep in the buff or in pjs and things like that. I would say something innocent but he would somehow turn it into something sexual but not in a way that will make me feel awkward. And so far, that is all I can tell if he is getting the messages. I don't think he knows about all the encounters. I think he just somehow thinks he is thinking more about me in that way and is now testing me on how I would react knowing he likes me. |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi Allie
My husband and I are staying apart from past 2 months. He is very angry on me but I know physically he needs me. How can I make him feel the warmth and sexual arousal through telepathy sex. Please suggest. |
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In reply to this post by Tinimee
if they don't feel it,know it,... why do we feel it?
BIG TIME?! without starting it? i swear, i go nuts. i hate it. i even checked my meds and slowly start to think that i might just experience side effects. this makes me so sad. |
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In reply to this post by Md
I met my twin flame 5 years ago. It's a very long story and too much to tell. He is a runner and I the chaser. Neither of us were spiritually ready and we drove each other a way more than once.
Recently it was as if I woke up to the fact that until I find happiness and love in myself it would never work out between us. I did manage to find self love and happiness in my life but hardly a minute goes by where he isn't on my mind. Before him I couldn't be with a man without being intoxicated, or in some chemically altered state of reality. In the 8 months since we were intimate last or spoken the few experiences I had with other people once again we're only while under the influence of something. Point being, I was self pleasuring and I imagined him there or rather he was there with me, it was a very healing experience. I orgasmed 4 times and I have never had multiples... At first I was speaking out loud what I was feeling intimately as if I were with him... after my first orgasm I told him I loved him over and over and cried as I repeatedly orgasmed. I just kept talking and saying all of the things I had wanted to say but was too afraid to in his presence before this experience. It was out of this world, ethereal if you will. It was though I could feel his flesh against mine and see and hear him in the dark responding. A couple days later I stopped at his work to pick someone up, I recently started driving for a livery service. I was waiting ten minutes and when I looked up he was staring at me. He hates me right now or has for months now. We caused each other great pain but without those experiences I couldn't have achieved the level of awareness I have at this point. He stared at me furiously for a full 3 minutes without breaking eye contact. I kept my face neutral as I gazed back at him. Right after the guy got in the livery van I looked away and he was gone. I looked at the clock and noticed it said 4:44. I've been seeing 444 and 333 a lot lately but still not sure how that connects to he and I. The next day I tried to connect with him again via self pleasure and I could feel him there for a while but I also felt him block the connection once it got intimate. I had the feeling that it was too much for him to process and I don't want to push him so I accept we might not have another encounter like that unless he initiates it. This is what lead me to this forum... but something happened today that I need help with. He has never expressed his knowledge of the twin flame connection or telepathy in fact he rarely would say what he was thinking or feeling at all. I've told him we are twin flames... our lives and experiences parallel in so many ways and I believe he feels the same connection as I do but he's only acknowledged it in so many words. He's a man of few words as it is. Because I can't call him and ask him if he was with me today out of fear that I will push him further away...you are the only hope or validation I have in a sense. Today I was working... stopped at a red light when the huge feed truck in front of me decided to back up and reversed me several feet into another truck where I was sandwiched between them and panicked. The entire front of my vehicle crushed inward toward me and flattened before he stopped. I was on my way to the DMV to register another vehicle for my boss when this happened. I tried to call him and got a busy signal so I called a coworker who I had just spoken to in the parking lot and he rushed to my side. Of course I thought of how much it hurts to not be able to call the one person I love and think of most of my waking moments in such a terrifying moment and I cried on the way to the DMV with the new vehicle I got from work after the accident. I was standing in line trying not to be upset wishing that my twin flame could be with me and hug me tight as he has done when I have experienced something painful in the past. When he hugs me like that it's as though the entire world freezes for a few moments and I can breathe again. I began to feel a tingling not the same as a limb asleep but the same tingling feeling I felt in my entire body with my OBE experience the week before centered on the spot on my shoulder blade where his hand would be if he were embracing me. The feeling made me instantly emotional and when I got up to the desk to pay I saw a sign that had the name of his company written on it behind the counter. Pretty weird coincidence especially at the dmv when he works at a lumber yard. I had forgotten my phone in the vehicle which just shows how upset I was and when I turned the screen on the text contact was opened to him! I hadn't written him in a while so there were 10 text contacts before him. I would have had to scroll down and find his name and then click on it to open it. All I did was hit the power button on my phone. So my question is, without knowing his level of awareness was he sending me signs to comfort me...? or was that the universe comforting me? Coincidently my job sent me back to his work at the same time it sent me a couple days ago and he wasn't there. So I don't know what to think especially since we aren't speaking. I feel in my soul it was him but he's not speaking to me. I don't even know if he is aware of anything at all. Could he comfort me subconsciously? |
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Hi Victoriusny32
I've been through this with Allie's help so I can say yes, it was him and yes, it was subconsciously although he may have had a similar feeling that either you were in danger or he needed to be close to you for some reason but not really understood why. The other thing that can happen is that you will physically feel and see him and this is the astral body appearing to you - it can occur randomly or during obe sex or during self-pleasuring where everything feels like he's actually there. He may also feel these sensations and have similar experiences but again, not really understand them. As for the signs and weird happenings with your phone - yes, sometimes these types of things will happen but it's unclear if it's originating from your desire or his desire to have contact and something that can only be validated by the other party. I have had a mobile phone on silent start ringing and be heard by another person and yet there is no call coming in and no record of a call yet know that it was my twin that had thought about calling me and set the phone off. The hardest thing is understanding that because you are joined at soul level and you are recognising the occurrences in your physical being and your brain understands and interprets this, your twin is opearting on soul level with you but does not wholly recognise or receive the same or similar experiences with their physical being and brain so there is a disconnect in the level of understanding and this is something you will just need to be patient with. In the meantime, continue on and do what is right for you but don't wait. I know what you mean by things having to happen for you to get to your current level of awareness because there's so much growth and it can be hard to see except in hindsight or with some detachment and clarity. |
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victoriousny32 |
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Thank you so much for writing back. I just needed some reassurance so thank you again.
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In reply to this post by Maria19
can u help me too?! i wrote my story above. i NEVER start "it", it is always him, always!!! and it feels like as if i constantly had a hand between my legs, if u know what i mean. constantly and inside of me a gazillion of butterflies and a rush of emotions and feelings and ... and i go crazy. and then waves and then sometimes i have to cry and i feel sad and lonely all of a sudden, although nothing had happened. and most of the time i just endure and suffer til he stops or i just know that he is asleep. and then when i go to bed, well i sneak to bed, secretly, careful, not to wake him up (CRAZY!!!!!!) -bang, it starts all over again. but it isn't that strong anymore. sometimes i join in, only sometimes. he can't constantly be thinking of me or be horny like that, but then on the other hand, there are talkings and answers and questions and again answers and "real" obe meetings in his office - at nighttimes, at daytime, in the afternoon... i don't get it. doesn't he need to know/initiate these obe's? well he initiates them, still he doesn't know about it in reality? (whats reality anyways) if he doesn't know it,... why do i feel it? HE is STARTing IT! how can i feel it, how can i join in? i don't think about him that way, i don't dare. i know that i can start it too, because i had this kind of experience with someone else a while ago. only once, i was sooooooo mad and annoyed that i started to envision something tiny ... with him in order to check whether he would feel it and react. it was about dinnertime. and all of a sudden i had a pic of a dinner table and people in my head and it was as if i felt his thoughts and surprise and his wish to make me keep going but also a blocking and a shock and the feeling that he was torn between go on and stop and then blocking again and ... i stopped after 1 minute. and then after 1-2 hours he started again, BUT BIG TIME. i really cannot talk to him, we hardly meet, see, talk to each other and if, it is only professional, although it is not professional, but we pretend. even other people realize that we behave weird when were around each other. i really, really just wanna know, HOW on earth can i feel EVERYTHING, even when he is "playing" with himself and my whole body reacts and he doesn't know it???? is he thinking about me then? how is this possible? what kind of connection is that? i don't think that he is my twin soul. please,please, please - any hint, advice, ... is greatly appreciated!!! thanx!!! |
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In reply to this post by Allie
So my experience first one i might add happened a few days ago and it was terrifying I was on my way home from visiting family when about 2.5 hrs in to the trip I have no other way to describe it ,it felt like my soul was being ripped out of my body then I felt tingling on my lips that grew more intense like I was making out with someone lasted a couple minutes then new sensation in my lady parts playing while feeling caressing all over then thrusts it took awhile for all the sensations to fully subside at which time i had just crossed the state line so the rest of the way I was scared out of my whits mind you I never even done any of this in the physical realm. I truly had no idea what had just happened a day or so later I finally found this site so I now known to a degree what happened im not completely nuts and thankfully know how to prevent an unwanted repeat
I guess my first question, is it possible i smacked into someone else's connection and became the unintended recipient and was i preventing the intended recipient from getting it? For all intents and purposes weather unintentional or not was I just raped? |
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In reply to this post by Allie
im first time to this...i want to know that when we have telepathic sex can we feel the person dat is can we feel her smell...her wetness etc...and can i let her give a feeling that itz me who is making her aroused....also can you tel me the exact way to do this please |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Allie did a reading about my situation several months ago (back when she gave readings), so what I would like to do is share some of the experiences I’ve had since then. I might add more later, but I have been busy, so I’ll describe whatever comes to mind right away. To provide some background, I have been feeling a presence on and off since I was a teenager, but the soul connection has been particularly strong since this summer. As I had explained to Allie in the e-mail, the energy of this person feels androgynous and incredibly loving. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll use “he” for a pronoun, though “she” can work just as well. Allie also suggested that he is part of my soul cluster. I experience a lot of the symptoms or signs Allie associates with soul connections: unconditional love, lightheadedness, extra energy, heat that travels along my spine, slight nausea, etc. I also experience a few “physical” touches, such as pressure that resembles a hand or fingertips on my shoulder, caresses on my hand, and some tingling or stroking through my hair. And a nice bonus: I’m very work-oriented, often to the point of obsession, and whenever I’m feeling the connection to this person, I feel compelled to spend my free time playing instead of doing extra work to get ahead. This is actually rather significant for me, because before the connection took off, I would feel guilty or lazy whenever I wasn’t working, which was undoubtedly not good for my health. I also have been getting a lot of “love” cards in my daily tarot readings. I haven’t experienced full-on telepathic sex in the sense that I have an orgasm hands-free. What has happened is a sort of “merging” at an energy level, particularly in the heart, solar plexus, and sacral chakras. I do get incredibly turned on, and it seems to be mostly a byproduct from the intimacy happening at the soul level. It’s a profound, emotional experience, and my problem is that I get a little afraid of the deep intimacy thanks to the unusually high barriers I’ve built since childhood and my rational mind getting in the way. I’m slowly getting better at allowing the connection to strengthen between us. He tends to be the active partner, and he is teaching me to love for love’s sake. I’ve been seeing a number of signs that I’m not crazy (lol), such as literal signs that say, “I have found the one whom my soul loves.” I first noticed it in the window of a house I strolled past while thinking about my soul connection. Another I stumbled upon is Rumi’s quote: “Your body is away from me, but there is a window from my heart to yours.” And yet another: “I’ve looked a long time to find you. I drifted though the universe, just to lay beside you.” About a month ago, I learned about his name: I was driving in my car, feeling this person’s loving energy. I thanked him for coming to me earlier that morning and comforting me after a rough night. I continued thinking about him idly, and it occurred to me that I didn’t know his name. Before I could even finish that thought, the name “Bruce” popped into my head. I never would’ve expected that name in a thousand years. It's not something that is commonly used in my generation. The name seemed right to me, but since I needed to pay attention and drive, I dismissed the train of thought. When I got to the OB-GYN’s office, I randomly chose a seat in the middle of the empty waiting room, some distance away from the door I would later walk through to go to talk with the nurse. I sat there in my seat for a few minutes, and I casually glanced to my immediate left towards the end table, where I laid my eyes directly on a magazine with BRUCE! printed in giant white letters on the front cover. I stared at it, then I looked away with a smirk, thinking, “Alright. Bruce it is!” My instincts tell me that he is not incarnated at this time, though I could be wrong. It’s just been so amazing that it is extremely hard to articulate what it is like. The love is often so deep and intense that it is breathtaking, and other times it is peaceful and yet profound. I feel like I’m in an open, healing, mature romantic relationship, even though I have never met this person and not even sure if he is alive at this time. |
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Thanks for sharing Kathy!!
Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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That is beautiful Kathy. I have experienced all the same things you have but with someone I know in the physical. I told him some things like after a car accident I felt him hug me and consconsole me and saw his name, signs for his work and the like everywhere. Songs we both listened to. Various Synchronicities. He didn't respond and that spirit connection suddenly ended. He hasn't come to me since and for a while I was heartbroken not having a spiritual or physical relationship with him. I don't know why he went away.
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In reply to this post by Allie
Oh goodness, where to begin. I started emailing about business with a man who helped me to see that I was in an abusive relationship. He said kind words and believed in me and my dreams. I ended up leaving my abuser and felt the energy if this man (he makes music and his music helped as well) Shortly after returning home and starting a completely new life, I began to feel like someone was stimulating me and felt it was him. While running from my ex husband, I saw the past lives of me and this man and also crossed paths with him in my reality physically and saw him!! In this experience, it became clear to me that we are very much connected. I was supposed to go with him when I saw our past and future but my ex had such control over me, I ended up going back with him for a few days. Anyways, the sexual stimulation has continued for months now. I achieve better sexual experiences with his energy then I ever did with my husband. I come to my point; the past few days the stimulation has changed. It feels like he is actually on top of my, penetrating me, and it even feels like he is holding my hands and is physically laying on top of me. All of this is very enjoyable of course. I am never able to make it happen, it seems like he is the one in control as it will come on while I'm doing the most inane things like driving or reading a book! But that too changed yesterday. I was able to initiate it for the first time since this began. I don't think he is aware as I have correlated his real life actions compared to when I am feeling this and sometimes he's posting on the internet while I'm mid-O. It feels like perhaps we are in different dimensions or time realities. Any idea what's going on Allie????
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Hi, Annegrace!
I understand not knowing where to begin. When I started on this journey back in 2003, my mind was just blown. I tried to tell other people what was going on -- but they either just didn't get it or refused to believe it. Hence this site :) From what you've said, it sounds like a soul connection (with past lives included) that once you two connected in this life and had the energy exchange (email, personal replies on social media, IM, phone) your souls settled into re-energize the connections between you two. That then moved the two of you to a telepathic connection and into telepathic sex. I say re-energize because soul connections are never broken, they go dormant when they are not consciously used and when you two connected, you "woke up" the connection. If you'd like a more in-depth look - I'd love to do a reading for you. https://outofbodyecstasy.com/intuitive-advice-readings/ Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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