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Dear Allie- I don't know if you still view this- but I sure thank you for ALL your information, i work nights, came home- was sitting on the couch not even thinking about my "studies" "here", and out of the blue, someone kissed me surprisingly softly n passionately on the lips, n that was it--- I have been watching all this because of a long lost love that I intend on reconnecting with even tho he's far far away- then one night I awoke felt like someone crawled like up between my legs n I could feel like their hair (like on top of their head hair) across my abdomen above my belly button- that time I was dosing off- and when fully awake- the feeling was gone- I was surprised but not afraid, my question is, can studying this attract someone? And how can I find out who this is??? Sunshine & smiles, sherry
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Hi Sherry! Yes - studying it can attract someone to you. But it can only be someone you know - either from this current life or a past life. It cannot be anyone random. You can find out on your own by allowing the energy come to you (provided it is a positive energy) and see what comes to mind (an image, a person, a place, etc..) and that can help you narrow it down. Hope that helps! Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
hi allie,
I need your help. I have never experience or realized I have an advance telepathy until I met a customer at my workplace. To be honest this guy talks to me and I answer him back..All mental. I realized something was wrong with me everytime he was around me. I started flirting with him like I knew him or something. One day at work I saw him coming and I heard very clear "who is that man?"...so I started talking about a past lover...in my mind...Then I said to myself" why am I thinking about this past loved??. this customer was trying to get my attention. One day he asked me out Im I got panicked i said no. Then I started experiences time...where "situations that I thought days before about him" ended up happening in real life. Like me flirting with him...he saying to me "like hi and bye", and showing up at my work walking like me to get empathy with me. He wanted me to like him. This guy is a well known detective in the state i live. He is married...since he noticed I was still 100% sure was him. I asked him to show up certain days wearing certain color clothing to prove It was him and no a demon. He did. So one day I started sending him images of me wearing sexy lingerie and I believed he got the message. I did it because I said to myself If this is true then Im going to have some fun sending him all these naked images of me to see the reaction. Well one week later this guy came to my room nite time and we make love. (it was all mental) the following day he showed at my work place two times looking for my eyes. I turned my head away and smiled. Im afraid of him..he is so handsome and charismatic among workers...What breaks my heart is that he is married and me too. But we make love almost every day. he visits me when im alone and we have the best sex ever. But before this strong sex started to happen in my bed for at least 3 hours he told me mentally that he does astral travels...I asked him how do you I know it is you?? prove me that it is you..so go to my workplace and wink the eye at me. Since Iam so afraid to talk to him I only asked for that. So one day I heard his voice saying to me "you got to do it today" he showed at my workplace and winked the eye at me. I started to shake. My question to you is can you have sex with a person even if you are doing something else. how this guy does that? sometimes I get scared. We make sex even in the bathroom. wow it is amazing. He said I was his lady in one of his past live. Can you see your past lives? your future lives? He sent images of me when I was his lady and they way i look when i get older. The only thing that kills me if that he doesnt talk to me...even if he showed at my work for me just to look him and make me a little happy...still It breaks my heart. One day I gave him my phone number to call and still has not call me. Instead he fought with me and bit me that night. Whenever we fight he comes at night and bit me...The next day I feel my body sore...we fight because I want to end this relationship. Im his mistress...he is married...Before all that he was taking his wife there to make me jealous. he told me tthat...I know part of his life with this woman. We talk like cellphone calls during anytime. Another thing why do they lift the index finger? telepathics do that. How can I stop him from coming to me like he owns me. Is it him? or its a demon? Please help me this is killing me slowly. |
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Hi Maria!
I just now saw your post which is why I'm only now getting to it. It's him - not a demon. You are both one another's lover since you are both married to other people. By the way we are taught a humans - we only see two dimensional. Meaning if we see our hand waving, than that's all we're doing. But if we realize that we do things multi-dimensional it all makes sense. With the hand wave example - if you realize we're multi-dimensional beings, then you "see" the hand wave, the energy body sends a ripple affect through the space to other other person whose energy absorbs your energy wave. There is so much more that happens than we can see with our human eyes. It is very possible to have telepathic or mind sex with another while you are doing something else. While your body is engaged by counting change, your energy body and mind can be doing something else entirely. If this is bothering you and you want him to stop - when he approaches you in your mind again, mentally tell him NO and mentally push him away with your hands. The more you say no, the more they will go away. Hope this helps! Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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Allie thanks for your response. I apologize for not proofreading my message. wow!!!!...I was just nervous; I'm glad you understood my message. I have another question, can you see your future through astral travels or telepathy? how about the past?
thanks for your time and consideration!!!! |
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Hi Maria!
No worry on the typos - I have plenty of them! Glad I could answer your questions. With astral travel and dreams you can go anywhere (past, present, future, other planets, dimensions, etc...) that you want to as long as your unique energy vibration is the matches the vibration of the area or is higher. For example - say I wanted to go to another dimension - 6 dimensions away. I needed to vibrate at a frequency of 8 and I do as a 10. I could enter. If I wanted to see my future - 1000 forward and I needed a vibration rate of 100 and I'm only at 10, I wouldn't be allowed to see it yet. The universe does this so that we do not know more than we can handle. Sometimes knowing more isn't a good thing. Hope that helps.... Allie :) |
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I have so many questions to ask. How do I know my detective lover visits me astral, telepathy or in lucid dreams. he visits me every day. Sometimes I feel usually after 4pm an urgency to lay on my bed because I cant control the arousal on my body; I feel so horny that I have to lay on my bed. Then I feel my body like shaking like someone is on me. Is this astral? Sometimes he makes me fall sleep after sex, can he influence on me to do things? I feel him at night time in a different way. i close my eyes to sleep and I see myself like in a movie I see him always wearing his suit...(I know his body anyways...he has hairy chest and a big thing. can I feel his genital part? I feel something really big)..anyways I see him and myself loving each other having sex and orgams...but somethimes I see myself like he is the want who putting the picture so I change it to a different way....It's like both sharing our sex images...then all the sudden is like both having sex uncontrollably...Is that me in astral with him? or it's just a dream? is him with me or it's me receiving a sex message from him? Sometimes I feel him penetrating me and thats it. Is his soul visiting me when he is asleep? Anyways I believe this is the way he can cheat on his wife because from what he has told me she is satanic and kill any woman who sleep with him...lol. anyways he is planning to leave her when he retires...lol...from what I know he can't leave her before he retires...some papers were signed in front of a lawyer...he said years ago he tried to drawn her and she forgave him but with signed papers...lol poor witch
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Hi Maria!
You know HOW he is visiting you by: telepathic: you are wide awake and fully conscious. dream: you are sleeping. astral: you are awake, but your conscious is transferred to your astral body. You can do telepathic/dream, dream/astral, etc....but it doesn't happen often. It really doesn't matter HOW he connects to you as long as he connects, you know he connects, and you are ok with it. And yes, you could be able to feel his penis. What happens to the energy body happens to the physical body. That's the beauty of it :) Hope it helps, Allie :) |
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thanks for your reply. I really want to finish with this. but he keeps coming back one day he told me his mind is stronger than mine. I felt like @@@@it. I kept him away from me only three days. thanks allie
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Like in the physical world, when you tell someone no long enough - they eventually go away. Until that point in time, it's a match of wills. When you have a chance, pick up Robert Bruce's "Psychic Defense" it may be at a library. It's a helpful book on getting rid of unwanted energy.
Hope that helps! |
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thanks for your help and for your forum. I would have being thinking that I am crazy. This man is determined and he always scares me that his witch wife is going to kill me with her satanic crafts. From what I know she has a diabolic altar in her house. He cant talk to me; he cant see me because she finds out. So if he has so many problems why he still in bothering me?
I sent him a certified letter to his job saying to stop with this. the day he was supposed to get the letter, he went to my work place to stare at me; the same night he attacked me sexually, and he even made me cry. i couldn't know why he made me cry. i just wanted to cry like someone was lecturing me for something. |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi Allie!
I've been reading for months all your replies. I just wanted to thank you for talking about telepathic sex, and telepathic connections. At the beginning I thought I was loosing my mind, then I found this and now I don't feel alone! So, thanks a lot, wish me luck because I have a telepathic connection with a guy which I believe is my soul mate, and even though only God knows that will happen with my story, I'm hoping a praying that we could be together physically in this life. Thanks a lot again!!! Blessings, Jazz |
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Hey Jazz!
Thanks for reading the posts :) I so completely get thinking that you're flipin` nuts in regards to telepathic anything. When I started wring about this back in 2005, I did so because I knew that there had to be others who thought they were crazy. Nope - you're certainly not alone in this wild ride :) Take care, Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hello Allie!
I am teen girl and I feel that there is somebody that talks to me, makes love to me and I feel very scared. The first time it started, I thought I was talking to myself, then it became crazy. I felt him touching me and talking to me, through me. Like I say 'Hi' and then then my voice become huskier and says ' hey there, beautiful'. Maybe its because I say whats on my mind. Once I felt so horny, I was extremely wet and I was so triggered I had to masturbate. I am a virgin and intend to be till I marry, but I feel he's taking it away. I also don't know his name, the last time I talked to him, it was a blurry talk where I mentioned that he either tells me who he is or leaves. And he left , but a few hours ago I felt that hot sensation again, although I haven't seen anything 'arousing', and I feel like I am writing this down because I want to believe it isn't true. And he promised he'll marry me. Basically he has red hair or something, and lives in a huge mansion. Rich dude. But I hate/love him so much I want to talk to him again. I hope I am not hallucinating. And is there a way we can make love more effectively to the point of the climax, and is there point in my life I am going to meet him ? And can I go to him instead of him coming to me and have a look at where he lives and what he looks like (exactly)? I feel like he's watching me all the time.... thank you so much for reading this weird teen love story |
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Hi Rira!
Thank you so much for writing. Being a virgin is a physical being. Meaning if someone would to take away your virginity, it would have to be with physical penetration. You can travel to him via OBE just by thinking about him and his energy. However, if his energy scares you, I wouldn't recommond going to see him. He could be a future husband or he could be a mean soul. The way to tell the difference between the two is to think about how you feel when he is around and after he is gone. If you feel good about the interaction and if you feel good after you two part - then he's a future husband. If you at all feel bad or scared or upset during or after the interaction, he's a mean soul. A mean soul is a lower entity who likes to tease and hurt others. Take it slow and keep your feet planted firmly on the ground. If you want to visit him and vice versa (and it's a good match) then do so - but don't get lost in it. If you two are to be together, then there will be work to do with your life in the physical realm to make it happen. Hope this helps! Take care, Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi Allie,
I've connected with my cousin (on the other side of the country) since the death of my father last February. I'm a bisexual woman and she has always been straight. She was very close to my father, more like his daughter than I was. We did not know each other (I'm 48 and she is 63) much at all until last year. After visiting and going through my father's things, I felt an intense connection and fell head over heals in love with her (only second time in my life). I've been experiencing extreme energy vibrations and sexual arousal since that meeting. We've now gotten together a few times since and the feeling is mutual but our situations are complicated. I've never experienced anything like this and neither has she. We are both in a constant state of arousal, which is maddening to be so far away and to have to be secretive at the same time. I feel such peacefulness when I'm with her. We have not had sex but did have a little heavy petting at one point, but that was all. Do you think that this means that we are meant for each other? It's all very confusing but exhilarating at the same time. She also seems to have some psychic abilities. I appreciate any insight that you might have. Thank you! |
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Hi PC!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out the OBE forum (double thanks for posting a question)! Usually when the pull is this strong it's because of a strong soul bond - usually either a soul cluster bond (4 souls that are tightly bound) or a soul family bond (usually 3 or 4 soul clusters). You also both have to remember that we are not always female or male in each life. We tend to favor one gender over another, but we do go back and forth quite a bit. In past lives you could have been male with her being female and had love affairs. The souls remember the love affairs and the soul doesn't care what gender the human body happen to be at the time (or is now). The strong connection in this life doesn't mean that you have to be together - but it does give you the chance to be together if it is something that both of you agree upon. Now that the two of you made this connection, it will always be there regardless if you are involved in a romantic relationship or not. The energy connection will continue to grow stronger as time moves forward. Hope this helps! Allie :) |
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From: Allie [via OBE Sex] <[hidden email]>; To: Psychic connections <[hidden email]>; Subject: Re: Cousins Sent: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 2:48:19 AM
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Glad I could help!
Allie :O) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Thanks alot! Well, when he leaves I do feel a bit lonely and want him back, so maybe he's a future husband (which I would absolutely want to happen). But how can I talk to him on a longer period of time? I feel our conversations are very short and mainly erotic in nature, I want to talk to him and get to know him more...
Thanks |
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