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Don't be shy! The reason you stumbled upon the OBE site and this forum was because you want to know more about astral sex. Post your experience or question...help others. We're all in this together!
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One night I realized an old boyfriend was sharing my energy. I knew I was not dreaming, I could not see anything, but could hear this sound, similar to that when you are underwater. I knew it was him and I could not understand why or what was happening... I am married and love my husband, but I felt I needed to ask if we could be together. The feeling I was experiencing was one of being so extremely strong and full of energy. I also felt sexually strong, but it was much stronger than an orgasm. The total feeling was exhilarating. I then heard his voice. After so many years, it was clearly his voice. He said my name and told me we could be together at night when things are normal... I paniced and was frightened. I thought this was wrong and it was not fair to my husband. I thought or said I could not do this to my husband and the next thing I knew I was awake. My body felt so energized and strong. The feeling continued for about 3 days.
It has been about one year and it has never happened again. I wonder "how does it happen?" "Why does it happen?" I wondered if anyone else has experienced this.. Can someone learn to do this? I have had many thoughts and questions. |
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Hi Sandy!
I just saw this post -- a month late and a dollar short:) Sorry about that!! Humans are much more than our physical bodies - we are pure energy through and through. Our energy is limitless as it has no boundaries. Because of this - everyone everywhere is connected energy wise. We are one big ole bubble. The "how" of what happened to you - is your ex was either thinking very strongly of you at that time - or he has learned how to astral travel or lucid dream. In your post you said you weren't dreaming but then you said you woke up. If you were actually asleep, he could have entered your dream without you seeing him. If you were awake - he could of been there in astral form or could have telepathically connected. Anyone can learn how to do this. I myself have had this happen to me so many times I lost count. Hundreds of people come by this site on a daily basis to read this forum and the posts - I'm SURE someone besides you and me have had these experiences. It's exhilarating isn't it? When you are consciously aware of energy on energy it opens up a whole new world. Hope this helps.... Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Does group sex happen on the astral, especially when you have multiple astral lovers and/or multiple soul mates? How does that differ from having sex with one lover at a time, does group sex increase the energy exchange exponentially, especially at climax? Is it recommended? Can anyone out there had this happen to them?
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In reply to this post by Allie
It is fascinating that in the astral, our gender may be different than in the physical, and our astral body can have additional features, be it bigger breasts or a larger penis. Have others found this to be true too?
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In reply to this post by Dana61
In the astral you are energy and an energy has no boundaries. You can have as much astral sex as you want with as many as you want. Of course it can get confusing - lol.
But when you mix all those energies together you are doing just that - mixing all the energy. That mixed energy is also then in your astral body which you bring back with you and mixes in with your physical body and the rest of your energy body.
You need to be careful who your mixing it up with in the astral realm. You have astral relationships with a negative energy, that energy will seep into yours. Once negativity gets into your energy field, it's difficult to send it away. Negativity feeds on positive.
Food for thought!
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In reply to this post by Dana61
Yes, I have found many people who have experienced the change in size and gender. But many also have not. It all depends how away you are that you can change these items. You cannot change if you do not know you can change.
Make sense? Take care, Allie :) |
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Hi Allie,
Thanks for your continued support and advice. Been experimenting with my astral form, and manipulating the size and shape of my genitalia (I notice that I can squeeze down now on the penis of astral lover and make her last longer, is this normal?). For a long time I thought my astral gender and astral experiences were just imaginary and that I had a mental problem rather than being real experiences, as confirmed by you. I understand once an astral lover cums inside your astral body, you carry that energy back to your physical body. Now that I am more aware of my astral body, I desire to experience more and more astral lovers, and to engage in multiple astral sex in order to feel what it is like to have their members pumping away in every orifice and down my throat and feel all that energy cum inside me, must be an incredible orgasm! 1. How do I become more promiscuous and find more astral lovers? Do I spread my legs and show off my vagina and wait around till some astral individual is passing by and attracted by my goods? 2. Is there a way to find out the physical form of your astral lover, given that their astral form does not always match their physical form, how would I know that I was having astral sex with an eighteen year old teenager in real life, for example, or an eighty year woman? 3. Does energy cum also have a healing effect on others and the physical body? 4. When pregnant, I presume the milk that flows from my breast is actually another form of energy? 5. Can someone have astral sex with you while you are asleep in your physical body? As always, look forward to your comments. Dana61 PS. The closest approximation I can find of my astral form is this pic: ![]() |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Sorry Allie, did nor realise the pic would be so big!!! I am so embarrassed, perhaps you can shrink it somehow!!!!?
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Nope - can't shrink the picture :) But it is a nice picture. It'll be ok!
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Thanks Allie!
I found that by finding a picture that most approximated my astral self (Dana) has helped me not only to recall my astral experiences but also intensified my experiences of astral sex may be because it is a way of focusing my imagination and willpower on my astral form but not sure exactly why. At least now you know what I look like in my astral form. Anyway, hope my Dana form is not too displeasing to the eye! Do you also have an astral form by which you usually appear to others? Is it much different to your physical form? Better go, asked you heaps of questions already for one day, more to come but will wait for your advice on the previous questions first. Dana |
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In reply to this post by Allie
http://ingoddesswetrust.org/laser_lingham.html (2009)
LASER LINGHAM by J. Devi I don't know if I could call today's topic a news flash exactly. A flash, maybe. I doubt that it's new either. It's just that it's hard to give a name to a fig leaf of the imagination. I call today's subject the "laser lingham." It's one of the best power tools/sex toys around. You may exclaim "leaping light bodies!" and you would be right. Some women call theirs "energy dicks." "Pranic penis" might work too. I believe I am talking about a creative use of the light body, one that often has the propulsion effect of prompting karmic leaps. The one hesitation I have talking about laser linghams is that as a female and lesbian, just bringing up the subject of 'phallus' can call up a horde of demons, especially with the average strait audience. However, I am grateful that this is an audience where so many have experience in crossing over. The specific sensations seem to happen in the subtle body. It actually feels as though either I or my partner has what in my mind appears as a light saber. I can feel it coming in, squeeze it in my hand and enjoy the ejaculation. Their size and character seems to vary with sub-personalities or incarnations. As fun as it can be, this phenomenon may not be so much about having a big dick as it is experiencing what it is like to be the other, another, sex. It could be about working with the Anima. While the joy of orgasm is indeed involved, there can also be a karmic effect. It seems to bring to ones attention those judgments made about the opposite sex. For instance, one of my Sacred Slut Sisters sees her energy dick as a growth tool in that she gets to meet other aspects of herself. Not only does she get to experience having this huge erection, but she also gets to meet the dick head in her self and the judgments she has made about dick heads. One of the growth aspects I appreciate most is how building sexual energy amplifies the ability to work directly with energy. Being with a consort potentiates the power of the feedback circuit to the point where there is no room for doubt. Talk about getting a grip on seeing tai chi energy balls. When a consort and I directly experience the same "imagination manifestation," subjective reality is no longer either "my" or "their" isolated bubbles. The virtual boundaries and definitions of "reality" and "imaginary" shift to a place where subjective reality takes on a collective validity. Beyond the theory however, it is a wonderful reminder that we are so much more than we are conditioned to believe. *First printed in Pathways (Crossroads Learning Center) Vol. 4, #3 May/June 95 |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Are you not the same gender as your biological body? Do you have another resident who isn't? ….. In any case, cross-gender residents can have phantom limb syndrome (i.e. being in a female body but fully feeling a male appendage and it's suitable reactions to stimulus even though someone else is touching air where it ought to be) which can make for very interesting bedroom play, with a lot of what might seem to be roleplaying on the part of the persons in bed, which is EXCEPTIONALLY strange if both persons in question are fronting persons of the opposite gender, and sexual play is taking place between bodies that technically don't really exist. This brings into play a concept called body part "mapping" -- when one maps a true-form or phantom body part to another body part that actually exists. A woman's clit becomes the mapped part for a penis (or vice-versa), a man's anus becomes a mapped part for a female vagina, or, in the case of non-sexual parts, one's arms might be mapped to a wyvern's wings. Again, this concept makes for some very strange and interesting -- and often fulfilling -- bedroom play. This is one reason why not all multiples feel any pressure at all to undergo any version of gender reassignment treatments or hormones. *********************** http://www.psychic-experiences.com/real-psychic-story.php?story=5159 Real Psychic Experiences: Unexplained Psychic Pregnancy By Poohbear2 Date: 2010-07-14 Country: United States Where do I begin? I have all my life been different then others, even among my very large family. I am mostly of Irish and Native American decent. My grandma (who was born in 1901) told me I would be "special" because I was born with red hair. She told me, all the women in her family line born with red hair had been called witches before they died. She later died before I came into my "powers" so to speak. As I have gotten older it has become so much more stronger. I look at people and tell them things about their lives I could not know or should not know about. It comes to me as easy as breathing. I can take one look at a person and tell if they need a hug or a firm word. I have always looked at this as a gift from God. I thought I would be all alone in this world with this gift, but one day out of the blue I met a man over the computer who was as gifted as I was. We started talking and before we even knew it, things started happening between us. Like I could feel him touching my face when he looked at my pictures. I could smell the place he was sitting in. One day, I asked him what was that horrible smell all around him, and he said it was a incense. He was in a hot foreign country at the time, and they put it out to help cover up the human body odor of so many people so close together. Anyway, this kind of stuff between him and me grew stronger every day, even to the point that he could tell when I was upset. He read my emotional feelings and I could feel his physical hurts while thousands of miles apart from one another. See he is a soldier, and away a lot overseas, so we only were physically around each other for short amounts of time for the first few years we were talking to each other. See the thing that I really want to tell about and even ask anyone out there, if they know anything about it, is...? Has anyone ever had a person with psychic gifts (powers) come to them in their sleep and make love to them? Can a pregnancy occur from two gifted people doing this, without touching one another? I mean with the two people not more then two miles from one another? We had a falling out, and he was back in town for a couple of months. I could feel him coming to me and well... Rape is a strong word to use, without him actually being in the room with me, but that was what it felt like. I mean my whole body would move from the motions of the act, I could even feel him inside of me, and the moment he came. I told him I had a boy friend in a email to hurt him because he has a new girl friend. The last time he came to me in my sleep, I woke up with a mark on my wrist, the taste of sex in my mouth, and his smell on my hands. I wrote him an email just asking if he knew anything about the mark on my wrist and he answered that he had four finger print marks on his back also. In all the time we have been talking to each other, and feeling each other, or even been lovers, we have never marked each other before this. I tried to research the subject of unexplained pregnancy's on line but all I found besides "Mary and Jesus" was one case in France around 1637, were a woman claimed her husband who was away from France for four years had come to her in a dream one night, and nine months later she gave birth to a baby boy. So I am here talking to the psychic world asking to know if anyone in this whole world can tell me if they have heard of any woman who had a baby by a living male (not a ghost), who travelled outside his body, to have sex with her, which resulted in her having a baby? Or at least an unexplained pregnancy between two gifted people. ****************************************** http://spiritcompanion.com/glossary/glossary-a/#astral INFINITE POSSIBILITY (Blog by Sheta Kaey) Astral Pregnancy The phenomenon of being pregnant in the astral body while not pregnant in the physical body. Among those who perceive parallel lives on the astral plane (typically in a type of bilocation I call phase-walking), pregnancy by a spirit is limited to the astral plane, and is followed by the astral birth of the child and subsequent growth. The length of the pregnancy is variable, much more so than a physical pregnancy. I’ve heard of births after two months of pregnancy and also of births following the typical nine months or even longer. Otherkin often give birth after a gestation similar to the species they identify with. As to the pregnancies I’ve witnessed or experienced first hand, they have all been between six and eight months of gestation. In his book Soul Flight, Donald Tyson describes my astral pregnancy with my son Alex, as well as his birth and various aspects of my relationship with Meridjet. He has something about us in each of his spirit books: Sexual Alchemy: Magical Intercourse with Spirits mentions me in passing, and Familiar Spirits describes my relationship with Meridjet. He never identifies us by name, but he has referred to us many times, particularly when describing “a woman” he knows or specific aspects of interacting with spirits. Astral Children Children born of astral pregnancy. Babies and children of astral pregnancy grow at a varying rate, depending upon the operative paradigm of the parent(s). In my experience, their growth is fairly typical, or slightly advanced of their physical counterparts. I’ve heard of others that have experienced a child jumping overnight from a toddler to a teenager, but I have never experienced or witnessed this first hand. In my opinion, the entire phenomenon of astral pregnancy and children is hard enough to swallow without adding such leaps in development, and experiencing these leaps doesn’t make it much easier to believe. ************************************************* http://www.spiritual.com.au/articles/astral/obe-astral-sex-1.htm Dynamics & Bioenergetics - OBE Astral Sex Part 1 Once the exit out-of-body has been mastered and projectors begin tentatively exploring their new environment, another natural barrier will soon raise its ugly head. As projectors begin expanding their horizons they will soon begin encountering other projectors. Out-of-body sex (more commonly called astral sex) is a human-nature complication of consciousness and bioenergetic incarnation. It forms a strong natural barrier in the way it can hinder serious out-of-body operations. It severely limits projectors' time out, and hence what can be accomplished, in the control they have over sexual thoughts and urges. Sexual thoughts are veritable time bombs waiting to go off in the minds of projectors. In real life, sexual thoughts and fantasy type sexual imagery pop into peoples minds all the time, privately and harmlessly. These are perfectly natural and do no harm whatsoever. In the sensitive out-of-body environment though, where projectors really are what they think, thoughts are not quite so private and harmless. Sexual thoughts not only affect the sensitive environment, but are also inflicted upon other projectors, often against their will. The quality of projectors' thoughts have a strong influence on OBE operations, as well as on any other projector or being they happen to come across. If sexual thoughts are not well controlled, projectors will not get very far or last very long in the OBE environment. The telepathic, energetic and empathic linkage provided by the Silver Cord, between the physical/etheric body and its projected double(s), transmits energies and emotions back and forth between them. This includes sexual urges and energies generated by erotic thoughts. The sex instinct is one of the most powerful primal urges and, like all strong emotions, can cause serious energetic problems if allowed to flourish unchecked in the sensitive out-of-body environment. Unchecked sexual thoughts and urges can cause powerful energies to compound back and forth between the physical/etheric body and its projected double. This can cause a type of sexual energy feedback to occur which can have a powerful effect on projectors. Real Time Sex: Out of body sex is much more intense during a real time projection. The closer to real time a projector is, the more sensitive and vulnerable he/she is to sexual energies. There is a more direct energetic connection between the physical/etheric body and its real time projected double, than there is with its astral double; this being dimensionally more remote. Because of this, primary energy centers can become heavily involved when triggered by real time sexual encounters, especially the genital and base centers. These are the underlying causes of the intensity and speed of real time sexual encounters. Real-time sex can be almost instantaneous, as compared with an astral or lucid dream types of sexual encounters. A real time sexual encounter, accidental or deliberate, always has the same outcome. It results in almost instantaneous orgasm for the physical body of the initiator. The same thing can also often happen to the initiator's passive or unwary sexual partner as well, when another projector is involved. With real time sex between two living projectors, there is more at work than just emotional and sensory feedback between the physical and projected bodies of a single projector. The genital centers of both projector's can connect in a powerful way. This causes a flooding exchange of male and female sexual energies to occur between the physical bodies of both projectors, via their connecting Silver Cords, regardless of the genders of the projectors involved. Once real time sex is triggered between two projectors, a strong two-way energetic connection forms. This can cause them both to experience uncontrollable sexual arousal which may be completely out of character for either of them. The sexual urge compounds back and forth, causing a shared real-time sexual experience and energy exchange. Each projector contributes to the intensity of the real time sex act, albeit often unwittingly. In most cases there is no deliberate intent on the part of the initiator of the real-time sex act; only a few stray sexual thoughts gone awry. Both projectors are victims of their own built-in sensitivity to sexual urges and energies, with these being greatly intensified in the sensitive out-of-body environment. Real-time sex does not require physical close contact as it does in the physical dimension. Sex can be initiated and consummated from a distance of several meters or more, with the two projectors involved never getting any closer. But some attempt to enact a semblance of physical copulation will normally occur once the real-time sex process is triggered. Enhanced Genital Sensitivity: When a genital center connection (genital chakras) is made during the real-time sex act, both projectors become intimately aware of the sensation of their genitals interacting with each other; as if their physical bodies were actually copulating. But as with all other senses of the projected double, the sensation of touch is enhanced, thereby greatly magnifying OBE genital contact sensations. I would say genital sensitivity is multiplied by a factor of at least ten. It can be so sensitive that orgasm can occur in the physical bodies of both projectors within only a few seconds. This will normally end both projections, for obvious reasons. Because of this enhanced sensitivity, genital sensations experienced during real-time sex encounters are highly abnormal and feel nothing at all like they do in the physical dimension. The nearest I can describe this abnormal sensation is that both projectors feel themselves expanding into and becoming their oversensitive genitals. They become their genitals and then feel they are copulating with another set of whole-body genitalia, those of their real time sex partner. Male Initiator: A male real time sex initiator (his projected double) perceives the rapid extrusion of a giant penis-like limb as extending from his genital area. He then flows into and becomes this penis-like limb. This extends rapidly and deeply penetrates the body of his real-time sex partner in the genital area, even from several meters distance. It rises up through and fills his partner's whole body. The initiator has the sensation that the inside of his partner's body is made of dense, warm, energetically tingling and throbbing, ultra-erotic jelly. Female Initiator: A female real time sex initiator (projected double) feels a similar sensation to the above. But her genital limb is usually perceived by her as more of a vagina-like tube extension. This tube grows from her genital area and she flows into it, becoming it. This then extends and deeply penetrates her real-time sex partner's body in the genital area. It then rises up through her partner's body. Her sensation is more of an engulfing of the inside of her partner's body rather than one of simply penetrating. This variation in female genital sensations has also been described to me as an engulfing of the spine of her real-time sex partner. ***************************************** http://www.spiritual.com.au/articles/astral/obe-astral-sex-2.htm Dynamics & Bioenergetics - OBE Astral Sex Part 2 There are as many possible variations of the real-time sex act as there are variations with physical body sex acts, including gay and lesbian varieties. Also the type of genital-like extension sensations that can be experienced, male or female, are not limited by gender. However, the genital and base centers are always involved somewhere in the sexual energy feedback equation. The coming break-down of a real-time OBE sexual encounter is therefore best considered as being the basic real-time sex process only. 1. Some variation of boy meets girl happens between two real-time projectors. Sexual thoughts and imagery cause desire to be felt by the initiator. This desire reflects back and causes immediate sexual arousal to occur in the initiator's own physical body. 2. Physical sensations of sexual arousal now rebound back into the initiator's own projected double, from their own sexually aroused physical body. 3. Sexual thoughts, imagery and erotic sensations flood back and forth, compounding swiftly on telepathic, emotional and bioenergetic levels. This rapidly intensifies sexual arousal in both the initiator's projected double and physical body. 4. Now fully aroused, the initiator's physical body floods its projected double with sexual energy from its now highly active genital center, via the Silver Cord, as his/her physical body rapidly approaches orgasm. This sexual energy flooding momentarily strengthens the initiator's projected double, but sexual urgency now consumes the initiator and results in a total loss of control. Once this stage is reached there is no way to avoid the inevitable consummation of the real-time sex act. 5. The initiator's own projected double will now usually attempt some form of rapid and urgent copulation with his/her ensnared passive partner. This forms a remote energetic connection between the physical bodies of both projectors, via both their projected double's Silver Cords. This connection is much stronger if the passive projector becomes sexually active at this stage. 6. Erotic thoughts and sensations, emotional and sexual energies feed back and forth between the initiator's physical body and its projected double, resulting in a type of erotic sexual energy feedback, swiftly compounding and increasing. This will usually involve the passive partner as well, especially if he/she has become aroused and more or less involved. This creates something like a four sided sexual energy feedback loop, greatly increasing its intensity. 7. Orgasm now occurs in the physical body of the initiator, and very often in his/her passive partner's physical body as well. Physical body orgasm usually ends the projection immediately. Depending upon the speed and intensity of this type of real-time sexual encounter, the passive partner may or may not become actively involved in the real time sex act. Therefore his/her physical body may or may not experience orgasm. This depends greatly upon the timing of the encounter: on whether or not there is enough time before the energy connection is broken by the initiator, when he/she consummates their side of the real-time sex act. The entire real-time sex process can take place, from the first stray sexual thought to orgasm, in under ten seconds; with either male or female initiator. The above real-time sex process can have many variations and subtle nuances. Orgasm will almost always occur in the initiator, and more often than not in his/her passive partner as well. The above process can happen so fast that the initiator will often be unaware he/she has initiated sex. That is, until a rapidly approaching physical body orgasm signals the end of his/her projection. Age, physical condition, sexual orientation and inclination do not have any effect on out-of-body sex. Many people, although they may be old and think they have outgrown the sex urge, find they feel young and sexually active again during OBE. In the out-of-body environment everyone is young and vital and therefore has an inherently sexual nature. And you will never see an old, fat, skinny, crippled or ugly projector. The innate sense of whole-body self-awareness that everyone has sets when a person is in their prime, usually around the age of thirty-five. This sense of whole-body self-awareness shapes the image of the projected double, which is not limited by the true appearance and condition of the actual physical body. Because of the above, sexual identity can also affect perceptions of the physical body during OBE. For example, a male with female sexual identity can appear as having a female body during OBE. In the fluid OBE environment you are what you think and can become what you feel. Astral Sex: Astral sex (and even lucid dream sex) is dimensionally more remote and thus causes far less sexual energy and sensory feedback than real-time sex; although this will still occur to some degree. Astral sex is therefore slower and more like normal physical body sex. The enhanced genital sensitivity and abnormal genital sensations, as discussed above, are also greatly reduced during astral sex. Because of this, astral sex can provide extremely realistic sensations: much more like normal physical body sex. Astral sex can also sometimes be orgasm-less due to this reduction in sensitivity, and because of the lengthier time it takes to achieve orgasm and hence consummate the astral sex act. Apart from other living projectors, many of the characters encountered during astral projections do not appear to be real; although some are what could be called native inhabitants of astral realms. Also, as I mentioned earlier, most of the characters encountered during lucid dreams do not appear to be real. Many seem to be something like created shells, whose sole purpose is to form a temporary part of the scenery. It is possible to have sex with a created or unreal character, although the genital contact sensations resulting from this type of sexual encounter are greatly reduced; seemingly more distant than sex with other projectors. The sensations of sex, in this case, appear to be provided by the subconscious mind of the projector/dreamer; probably based on memories of past real-life sexual encounters. The erotic mental imagery and sexual sensations are, however, just as real to the physical/etheric body and energetic feedback will still occur, albeit less strongly and in a kind of solo sexual energy feedback loop. In my experience, other people encountered during real-time OBE's are usually other living projectors. However, this does not hold true once a projector shifts out of the real-time zone and into the lower astral; which will often happen unnoticed. There is one main way to tell real projectors and sentient astral beings from unreal created characters. Real and unreal beings behave and react quite differently to interference, including sexual advances. An unreal character will simply stand there and let anything be done to them, be it sex or murder. They will not resist or complain in the slightest, no matter what is done to them. However, real astral beings and other projectors, even unaware sleep projectors, will be found to object, resist, fight, verbally abuse and even attack interfering projectors; although they will usually just leave the area. In the crowded areas of the lower astral (the lower astral is heavily populated, mainly with unaware sleep projectors) projectors may find themselves occasionally passing through the bodies of other projectors. This often cannot be avoided, given the usual directional control problems. If they are not careful, this in itself can often trigger the astral sex process, especially when passing through the projected doubles of the opposite sex. Even if a projector keeps his/her mind clear they will still feel a sexual stirring; although this can be controlled and overcome if his/her stays focused and keeps moving. This type of accidental astral sex will only snare projectors if they are careless. As I said, the majority of OBE sexual encounters are unintentional and/or accidental affairs; although there most definitely are exceptions. Sex just happens when sexual thoughts, fantasy imagery and sexual energies get out of control. Either male or female can initiate the out-of-body sex process with the same end result. This can also happen between two projectors of the same gender. Only one projector is needed to initiate out-of-body sex, which in most cases is usually enough to involve and consummate sex for both projectors. If projectors do not wish to have out-of-body sex, they have to be aware of what can happen and act quickly. If they meet another projector and think or sense a sexual encounter may be likely, they must move away very quickly to avoid it, especially in real time. But this is easier said than done. It can happen very quickly and the initiator may not even intend to have or cause a sexual encounter. He/she will often be just as shocked by what transpires as their unwitting partner may be. One comforting thought here is that no one can get seriously hurt through chance out-of-body sexual encounters; no matter what or how it happens. It is not only very quick, but there is no actual physical contact. It is also rarely remembered by either party; and if remembered then only as a dream. And as there is no actual physical contact, it really is the ultimate safe sex. In my opinion, OBE sex can cause no more psychological scarring than a bad dream might. An important aspect of the natural barrier which out-of-body sex forms, which deserves consideration, is just what this can do to the energetic value of a projector. In the out-of-body environment like attracts like in a very big way. If projectors deliberately seek out and engage in disreputable sexual behavior during a projection, they will find the dimensional level they are capable of operating on will begin to lower significantly. Repeated deliberate sexual encounters (one could call this astral rape, with all this implies) could well mean projectors will begin sliding down the dimensional scale until they find themselves frequenting the very low astral sub-planes. This new level will have a more predatory sexual nature and theme to it; better suited to this type of projector. For all the above, occasional chance or unintentional out-of-body sexual encounters do not appear to cause any significant or lasting drop in projector's natural dimensional level of operations. And this does not apply to out-of-body love and romance: where there are shared feelings of love, intimacy and desire. The energetic values involved with love and sex are, I believe, quite different from those generated by lust and sex merely for the sake of release. Consummation of the out-of-body sex act will, however, still be found to cut OBE short, especially real-time OBE sex. Privacy, Ethics & Projection: There is a widespread belief stemming from early this century that has not only remained unchanged but has been continually propagated ever since. This belief is that if a projector deliberately invades the privacy of another person for immoral purposes or unethical gain, or engages in any disreputable or sexual behavior during OBE, they will be banned or stopped from further projecting -- grounded by a higher authority. It is even believed by some that there is a kind of astral police force watching out for ethical, moral and astral rights transgressors. According to my experience this belief is a total myth. There are many natural barriers associated with OBE, but there are no ethical nor moral limitations. No higher authority is interested in the activities of projectors. No astral police force will appear and punish bad or naughty projectors. The ethical and moral correctness of any out-of-body action depends entirely upon the judgment and conscience of the projector concerned. With out-of-body sex especially, strong natural barriers are encountered and there are natural repercussions for repeated disreputable behaviour. If projectors cannot control their behaviour they will not last very long nor travel very far while out of body. Their experiences will tend to be quickly curtailed whenever they meet any potential sex partners, real or unreal. This cuts their OBE's very short indeed and keeps them off the astral streets, so to speak. If projectors go actively seeking sex, they will come across an ever increasing number of potential sex partners. The lower astral planes teem with these. Like attracts like in a big way in the sensitive out-of-body environment. The only repercussions stemming from habitual bad behavior, as far as I am aware, are a lowering of energetic values and of the levels of operation possible. In this case the attraction of other like-minded projectors and beings is, I consider, natural consequence enough. This has the effect of keeping sexually overactive projectors away from more serious-minded projectors. This has, I feel, a certain poetic justice to it. As to invading the privacy of people in the real world, or other projectors in the out-of-body environment, even for deliberate unethical gain or immoral purposes, there are no restrictions. In my experience there is no astral police force or astral overseer who will suddenly blow a whistle and say: "OK mate…I saw what you just did! Get straight back into your body and stay there…Right Now!" Imagine the enormous number of astral police that would be required just to keep tabs on several billion people day and night? The intentions involved with privacy issues are important. Continual deliberate breaches of privacy will cause a serious alteration in a projector's energy values. This will attract other like-minded projectors and negative-type beings into their OBE's as well as into their real life; which is consequence enough methinks. It seems the whole idea that out-of-body behavior is policed was started by early researchers and authors on OBE and related subjects, early last century and late in the century before this. Most would have realized the real truth of this matter, of this I am quite sure. However they seem to have worried that if the public knew the whole shocking truth about the sheer freedom of OBE, they might use OBE for what they considered to be immoral purposes. In a way, these researchers and authors tried to impose their own set of moral judgments and values upon the public with a "Stop it or you'll all go blind!" kind of attitude and blanket warning They hoped by this, I am sure, to influence people into using OBE for good and noble purposes only. Stemming from this, these early writers and researchers have unwittingly imposed this same set of values upon the present day. Consider the early written works in OBE and related fields, and how these have been used as reference and source material by all researchers, authors and teachers ever since. All of these early works have had some influence on present day thought, concerning behavioral limitations of OBE. As a result of this we now have many versions of 'The Astral Overseer' and 'The Astral Police' types of beliefs to deal with; all stemming from the original morally inflicted Victorian fallacy. |
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In reply to this post by Dana61
Always welcome more information for people to look at and think about. Thanks for posting Dana!
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi Allie,
Yours is the only blog site that deals with such topics like astral vaginas and such and provides a forum to talk about it. For a long time I thought my astral adventures were just dreams but I worked out that whereas I tend to forget dreams with time, astral adventures are vibrant and unforgettable, and find that while in astral form, my libido and desire for sex increases exponentially. Hard to describe the astral world given that it is comprised of energy without resorting to sexual imagery. When travelling in my astral form, Dana, I like to travel in the nude and show off my cute body. Lately, I have been having sex with someone in astral form who takes the form of an older quite buxom woman who fills my vagina with her enormous astral penis. And when giving her a head job, she shoves her astral dick deep down into my throat. Surprisingly I don’t gag and can stretch my mouth to accommodate her enormous size, although it takes a lot of swallowing when she cums. Also there are times that I can feel multiple penises shoving in and out of my vagina at the same time, although I am not sure whether it is her sprouting multiple penises to pleasure me or she invites her other astral lovers to join in with her. However, if I keep having astral sex with more than one astral lover and get pregnant, I won’t know who the actual father is, so is there such a thing as astral contraception or is it simply a matter of manipulating your energy vagina to prevent pregnancy happening? The fact that it is possible to have astral sex with other astral beings explains stories of incubi/succubi and gods having sex with humans, and given the range of body types associated with otherworldly beings, it certainly opens up some interesting possibilities in regards sexual exploration. Keep up the good work spreading the truth of astral sex on your blogs! |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi Allie,
it was not until I read your previous website that I realized my astral life as Dana and my continuing experiences with astral sex were a reality, so I have heaps to thank you for and hope that others can find the same comfort and guidance from your ongoing work on astral sex!!!!! |
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Hey Dana!
Are you still experiencing out of this world Astral Sex? I hope you haven't given it up as you were doing fabo for such a long time! I'm glad that this forum and my blog has been able to be a beacon of light in a sea of uncertainty! Take care, Allie :) |
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This is a great site! Thanks for making it. Its exactly what I was looking for lol.
Im new to all this stuff, but apparently I take it very fast or something. The very first time a few days ago I meditated I somehow found myself seeing a black sky with stars which i have read is the forth dimension to which many people have a hard time seeing after several sessions. But... that does not interest me. I want to freak it up in the astral realm lol. Im a lesbian and I've been with so many women in the earth realm sex is boring to me now, I need something that'll really curl my toes. How can I start to astral travel? Also is it just humans doing the same you end up having sex with? Im looking to try a variety of lovers. Demons, Humans, ghosts.. any female energy thats interested. Any help on this would be appreciated, If anyone can do this I think I definatly can, It never takes long for me to get see portals when I mediate and my body vibrates like crazy. I think its the insane amount of sexual energy I have. Lena |
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Hey Lena!
Thanks for stopping by and taking a look around the site! Glad you've found it helpful so far :) To start to learn about astral travel - I recommend reading one of Robert Bruce's books - either Astral Dynamics or Mastering Astral Projection. Getting a real handle on astral travel takes time, so don't be discouraged if you're not an A-one traveler right off the bat. You want to be careful who you "hook up" with in the astral realms. If you get involved with a negative entity, you'll bring that negative energy back to your physical body. That bad energy will take a toll on your physical and mental health - and attract not so great things to you. So be picky :) It can still be very exciting - honest! Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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Thanks for the reply Allie!
I seem to be a natural at this, I keep getting closer and closer, as I've already started to feel myself phasing and getting that floating feeling and my energy trying to push from my body, i just need to work on getting my body relaxed more i think, someone told me the easiest way is to relax it until sleep paralysis hits but keep my mind fully awake.
Is sex though really easy to find? Im Single, and have nothing holding me back from slutting it up on the Astral plane, though I'd want to do it with other women. I'll be careful though about neg entities, but Im curious if positive entities or even higher beings have sex with us lowly humans. Though Im not above having some fun with other projectors or even ghosts if they exist on the astral plane, admittedly my fantasies involve sex with beings that are completely alien and beyond humans.
Lena |
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