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I have a question about astral sexuality. Whenever I astral project I always have very strong sexual energy, even when in my waking life I don't feel very sexual at all, as soon as I astral project all of my travels are often revolving sex and sexuality. One thing I've become aware of and curious about is that my sexual orientation changes during astral travel. While in my waking life I am exclusively attracted to men, when I astral travel I am exclusively attracted to women and all of my sexual experiences in the astral realm are with female beings. I am curious what this could mean.
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In reply to this post by Allie
Can we do astral sex with our real ( physical) partners who r not aware of it ? Hope u get my ques n will reply.. m curious to know
It would b beautiful to experience with the person u love ...So do our partner also has to go in that state or we can have astral love making with them even if they r not aware ? |
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In reply to this post by Dana61
Hi do u wana have astrol sex.
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In reply to this post by Dana61
This pic looks familiar to me...
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CuriousBelovedOne |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi there, okay, first of all, I am so relieved I found this website and forum so, thank you. I have questions and really just need to share what has happened to me. I have experienced ‘paranormal’ activity since early childhood, things like orbs and dreams and seeing / hearing ghosts here in the physical realm among other things.
All of this slowed way down a few years ago when I went thru a very intense spiritual change, however I still had experiences with incubus and things violating me in my dream state. During that time I had convinced myself that astral projection was too dangerous etc and avoided it, but I kept having these involuntary interactions with the incubus. It really made me upset because I was trying to stay abstinent and they were like mocking me or something while raping me. Also, I never practiced astral projection, but I knew it was real and had experienced it many times unintentionally, same with lucid dreaming although that was always more intentional when I would realize I was dreaming. Now, fast forward to present day. For the past few months I have felt an intense pull to reconnect with my sexuality. I have been exploring my kinks and what not which has been super fun. So just a few days ago, things got really aggressive between me and my current partner who is very emotionally and psychologically abusive. It goes both ways sometimes because they push and push and my patience and compassion run out. So, then 2 days ago, the interaction was getting more intense than it ever has, and I was just deconstructing all of theirs attacks and although I was crying and in a lot of heart ache at first, at the end of the day I had made some incredibly powerful statements that I believe finally my voice was heard and they have not spoken to me since. I feel liberated and at peace. The very next morning I received a notification from someone in an online social media site for fetishes. They had liked a picture of mine. I noticed that we were members of some same groups and that they are located in the city where I will be moving in 2 weeks. So I thought ‘this is great’, and sent them a friend request. I did not look at any of their other information or pictures or even think about it, until about 5 hours later I got notified that they accepted my friend request and liked a few more pictures. I was like ‘who is this’? So I went to their profile and wow I was pretty blown away by how attractive they were/are to me. And attractive in many many ways. So I liked a few pictures (I wanted to like all of them, but my partner is also on the site and I didn’t want to stir up more drama just as I was experiencing peace). So I liked the few pictures, and one of them I just commented on a guitar in the background, other than that I did not make any comments on them / their photos. Again, I thought nothing really of it, this is standard behavior on this site. However, about 2 hours later, I got notified that they replied to the comment I had left. With just an emoji. Okay, I thought, this is interesting and what does that mean, it feels very much like something more is there. So I started looking through their profile more, and starting allowing this energy to take over. Intrigue is the best word to describe it. Like the most intense attraction I have ever felt. I actually really wanted to say to them “I DESIRE to KNOW you” and I have all these questions and interest about them, but I tried to hold back and not appear crazy lol. I noticed alot of the pictures they had posted had musical instruments in the background and some books and things that tipped me off, this person is very creative and I see that all of their interests overlap with mine even things they weren’t explicit about but I noticed in pictures and some of their writings. What’s even crazier is that I had just updated my profile after the closure I had with my ‘current’ partner. In that update I had described who and what I am looking for... and then literally the next hour is when the friend request got activated. I spent the next hour or so exploring their pictures more and some of them are artwork/sketches they have made. They are all erotic in nature, and the best way I can describe a lot of them are like layered images of male and female copulation, mapped body parts, some drawings with the same male and female in multiple position / sex acts overlayed. I got so intensely captivated by this art, and I was seeing all kinds of images, emotions and thoughts. I was so turned on by all of this that I soaked my panties, and I felt flushed and orgasmic. I was compelled to contact him personally, so I mustered the will you do it and sent him a private message. I sent a quick note thanking him for making me so wet and how much I loved the art, along with a flirty comment about ‘how deep it was, like what I wanted to do with him.’ I took a break for a hot minute but almost immediately I received a slew of notifications that he had just liked ALL of my pictures, and I thought, wow, what in the world is happening... before I could even think anything else, he replied to my message saying he felt the same way about mine. He was very kind and gentlemanly. I told him that I think we should be friends and he agreed. We flirted and he wanted to know more about how he made me feel and what I was thinking. Then rather abruptly he said he wanted to go to sleep... I was surprise by this since things were like kicking off, but he said was so hard up over thinking about me and that he would talk to me soon along with some cryptic but cute emojis. So I replied “anytime”... After taking care of a few things for an hour or so, I was confounded about the situation and couldn’t get him out of my head, so I went back to look at him some more and I started to get sucked in again... quickly I felt the urge that I am throwing caution to the wind and definitely masterbating and getting off to this guy tonight. This is going down right fucking now lol. So I laid down and relaxed, then I started gently touching myself and gazing at his pictures. I was so hot for him that I could barely touch at first or look at the pictures because I was already ‘there’, but then something strange started happening. I felt this “locked-in” feeling like I was connected to something else. I heard a buzzing noise (and it wasn’t a vibrator! lol) and I also heard the clanking of metal a few times, this interrupted my attention and I looked around but couldn’t see anything except a little “wisp” of something a couple of times. And then I started touching myself in ways and feeling things I have never felt before. You know how you want to be touched, and sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know until someone does it for you. I was being touched in ways I have always desired but no one has ever done them for me and also being touched and feeling things I never imagined before, and all of sudden this is happening and my mind is just exploding. This went on for almost an hour, where I was at orgasm peak nearly the whole time which is highly unusual. My whole body was quaking, tits about to burst, and I was cumming but not fully climaxing. I guess it was like edging. I was fluctuating between being in my body fully conscious of what and how I was being touched and then at the same time being connected to this energy and interaction and absolutely dumbfounded about what was going on. Normally I have good orgasm control, but this was very different because I had no control over it, it was being controlled for me. I kept saying out loud as well as in my soul “I am going to cum!” It was borderline torturous. I was moaning and blurting out words and things to him, like he was there, and I swear he heard me and was responding back with more shocking sexual energy. I was embarrassed that I was making so much noise and seemingly crazy talking to myself in a way, but I couldn’t help it! It was so real! During this time I completely forgot about the pictures and I was fully engaged in this experience, the energy was just too strong to think about or do anything else except let it take control and do what it wanted with me. At some point, the energy shot so deep up inside of me that I screamed with pleasure and came so fucking hard, my vag squeezing and milking this feeling. I laid there buzzing and blissed our for a while yet acutely aware that something extraordinary had just occurred. I felt this sexual energy presence leave quickly after I started gaining more conscious awareness in my physical space. I calmed down but couldn’t get this nagging feeling to stop, so I went back online and started searching for answers in his information. It took a little while, but I eventually came across something, a group he is an active member of, called Sex Magick. My radar started going off, like ‘this is suspect! could it be????’ ... this morning I started researching this further and found this site on astral sex and I am wondering if this is possibly what I experienced... I am also wondering about his sketches and if maybe they could have some kind of power in them... and also just about the “synchronicities” of everything that’s happened recently. I decided to send him a message to let him know I had the most mind-blowing orgasm from him last night and it was totally out of this world. I figured, if he is into this and doing this, he’ll be happy to know it worked. I am not familiar with this Sex Magick and what not, just learning starting today! So any thoughts or guidance is appreciated!!! UPDATE 8/1: after sending him the message about the orgasm, he responded enthusiastically and teased about his ethereal self laying it down for me. We have been chatting on and off for a little over a week now I think. Intense attraction, we’ve all but confessed our love for each other, but there are some obstacles in the way. It’s taking some time, patience and effort to close the past chapter with love and wisdom and move forward. We also discovered that I happen to be moving physically across the country to the same neighborhood where he currently lives. This is all too weird, don’t you think? So far we seem to be doing our best to navigate this new experience together and individually. Sometimes I cry cleansing tears from my past wounds that are healing, sometimes I ask the universe “what is happening?” and “how could this happen”? My intuition is extremely heightened, we are like mirroring each other it seems, I can feel him. The other night he gave me 4 orgasms back to back while we were just chatting, I wasn’t even undressed or touching myself, it was just the energy and communication or whatever. He is extremely pleased with it all. He says “I want all of you”.. and other things. I’m starting to see a ton of “signs” like the moon has been popping up everywhere, talking to me, and I’m taking pictures of it. It’s also extremely hot outside right now during the day and there is something about the sun. Sun/Moon thing, not sure. Maybe the reflection of the sunlight off the moon? That just reminded me of one of my favorite songs, from a band that we both happen to live... hmmm...Full moon is on 8/3, and I feel like he’s going to or we are both going to do something big that night, even tho we’re still across the country from each other. Also numbers, I told him it was 3 am where I am, he said it was 2 am where he is, then he mentioned to “think of combinations of 2’s and 3’s...” I was a little confused but then later came across some other information and looked up the number vibrational meanings, and it’s very interesting. I want to talk to him about it, but I’ve let him know I have to focus on this move right now but I want to get to know him better and hopefully seeing him soon. It took a lot of courage to tell him more about that/what’s happening in my life outside of this connection. I waited a long time to send the message to him, and when I did I immediately got a read receipt, so he happened to be in our chat log, I don’t know why... but he was, but he didn’t respond. It took him about a day and half to respond, he hasn’t messaged me back privately, but he did acknowledge it publicly telling me to have “safe travels!”, which I replied with a thank you and home stretch. He’s still liking and commenting on my social media posts, but hasn’t responded to my last private message, so he is actually being very respectful of my need for time, but at the same I crave his communication. I feel like there will be some kind of explosion if we meet and that I’m pretty sure of 1 kind... he said he’d try for 3? He’s so sweet, and attractive AF, and mature and interesting. When he finally sent me a picture of his face I nearly lost it. I don’t know what’s going on... will try to post more updates as this progresses and appreciate any insights you all may have. ~Peace & Blessings |
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In reply to this post by Allie
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In reply to this post by Allie
So, the other night I had sex in my sleep with my late fiancé..It was so real, so intense...A VERY lucid dream. It felt like I was actually having sex; EXCEPT, it was wayyyy more amazing that any human sex. The orgasm lasted the ENTIRE session... (Here is where I go into detail; so, please stop reading if you are sensitive) We were in a missionary position and he was kissing and sucking on my neck throughout the session. When I woke up, I felt like I had just had sex. Ladies, you know the feeling? So, I let it go and chalked it up to it just being a dream...until I looked into the mirror. God as my witness, he can strike me dead if I am lying....I had 2 hickey like marks on my neck in the EXACT spot my fiancé was kissing and sucking. It was very strange...but I welcome it.
Glad I found this forum, because I thought I was going crazy |
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In reply to this post by Allie
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In reply to this post by Dana61
Hi Dana, I'd really like to learn from you how to do this. Do you have paypal... I'm willing if you're able.
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In reply to this post by Sandy
I've just subscribed to Allie's OBEs.
I have been seeking - and quite unsuccessfully - any sort of "safe place" or forum where this sort of thing can be discussed honestly, frankly and intelligently. I am a medium. No beating around the bush about it. I've struggled with it greatly over the years and have determined at my age and at this point in my life that I have to live my own genuine life, no matter how "normal" I would prefer to be. All my life I've had experiences I've tried to push away. Things that can't be discussed among "polite society" and I have sought counselling at a few times to deal with the being different. All my life I've practiced magic. Being an abuse survivor hasn't helped any in the least but here we are. Life is not a "one size fits all" proposition. Well, the main jist of the matter is, I am now in a committed relationship with a spirit. A ghost. A deceased person. Whatever you wish to call it. We weren't close in life. We only met a couple times. I went to his grave a year ago with the urge to bring him home with me. After a few months something of a most unusual relationship began. The first time we eh - did that, I was unsuspecting. I was laying on my back in bed and felt - well, mounted. He took the moment to advance things and I found myself not interested in rejecting it despite it coming as something of a surprise. Being touched out of the blue. People assume the dead are "cold." He has no temperature but can manifest and suck the temperature out of a room. There is though, a definite pressure. I remember feeling one hand on the end of my bed, then another, then the first hand moved forward, then the next, then a knee, another, and full body weight as my bed became occupied not only by myself. The entire "session" felt exactly as a physical love but for the obvious. One thing I find particularly interesting, human and sensitive a subject is - as a lot of men, he was rather a "minute man" from the outset. Overly anxious and not long lasting. As we've grown closer and developed a romance and relationship, the times of intimacy have improved in every way and there have been plenty of times where I've had to end it - "you're wearing me out, I can't go anymore." I do believe it gets better every time. While we can't exactly go out to dinner, or so on and so forth, I wouldn't change the situation for anything. I hope to find empathy and understanding here, to learn to accept, and also to strengthen my unusual relationship and improve it in all the ways one builds and protects a relationship with another. This is something I find myself in to my own surprise. While I've always been a mystic - stories of having a relationship with a ghost were things I dismissed out of hand, even scoffed at and am in no way able to question or mock such things anymore. Having deepened my understanding of older magical traditions, recognising the druid, shaman, cunning woman or other such tribal "magic person" very commonly would marry an ethereal entity, I am forced to accept this as furtherance of the peculiar life that is mine and continue to improve my abilities - as well as recover from a painful past, to reach an unknowable future. Oddly enough, my estranged husband has been extremely supportive and the only person I've been able to talk to about it. When someone is in love, they want to talk about this new partnership and the person who brings them new happiness. When that other person is an intangible, incorporeal entity, it's not a thing that can be discussed and a lonely sort of joy. Yes, I've experienced OBE relations with a couple of fellows from my distant past but this is unlike anything and though unspeakable, is as real as air, as real as gravity. |
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