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Hi Lena,
In the astral realm everything is easy to do. If you want to go somewhere - think of it. If you want to see someone - think of them. if you want sex - think of it. I find it easier to find astral sex if I am thinking about sex during the astral separation phase. Many people try to astral travel before they fall asleep - mostly they just fall asleep! If you try astral travel and you fall asleep - set you alarm ahead of time say for a few hours later. When the alarm goes off, get up and move to a different location- say a couch - and try it again. I'm not sure all of the particulars of why it works better in between sleeping/awake, but it does. Any energy entity will have sex with a human. As when you're in the astral realm, you're not human or alien, or a gnome. You're pure energy. Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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I'll have to try that! The Astral Separation phase, being when you are pulling your energy from your body right? Im getting so close now, either I'll wake up after an hour right into what feels like the transition with the sensation im falling into a tunnel while lights are flashing in my eyes, or even induced by just relaxing and visualizing and i find myself getting the same sensations. The only problem is this transition startles me and I dont make it over, which is very frustrating. But I suppose the hardest part is over with right? Training your body to get to the crossing over phase is seemingly the most difficult. If I can just figure out how to relax and let it happen, I'll have many stories to post I think! Im very good at focusing on what I want.
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Hi Lena!
Yes - astral separation is when the astral body separates from the physical body. The best way to relax is simply practice. The more you do it and recognize the side effects of the separation process (body tremors, stomach dropping - like you're on the 1st hill of a roller coaster, headache, etc...), the easier it gets. You can also try different methods of separation. The four most popular are: 1. Floating Out: Focus in on the sensation of floating and allow your astral body to drift up and away from your physical body. 2. Sit Up: Focus in on your astral body sitting up and moving out of your physical body. 3. Rolling Out: Out of all the methods, this one is most successfully used. Simply have your astral body do a sideways roll out of your physical body. 4. Separation Command: State a firm request as in “Separate Now” or “I Separate Now” to direct your energy away from your physical body. This request has to be firm and a demand for immediate action. Storytime! Whoot! I'm looking forward to the stories!! Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hey Allie quick question. Steve G Jones has taught me how to astral project and he also taught me the basics of Astral Sex. I was told that the energies of the astral bodies unite and there is no penetration of genitalia per say. He says it is on a deeper, spiritual level and that there is immediate feedback from the other person, if they are enjoying it are not. If the above is true, then how do you see the feedback and can you clear this all up because I am confused after what he has taught me and what I've seen here.
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Hi Eric!
Thanks for your question and for stopping by the site! When you astral project the energy (astral) body seperates from the physical body and heads into the astral layers. Because it is energy - specifically your energy body - what happens to your energy body directly impacts your physical body. Why? Because your energy body and physical body are connected. So if you are kissing someone in the astral realms, your body is going to react as if you are physically kissing someone. Because it is the energy body in the astral layers - energy has no shape. Therefore, you can leave yourself as shapeless, or you can make yourself into shapes because as humans, that is what we are used to seeing. So while there are not any gentials per say automatically - there is nothing automatically. No face - no arms - no legs, etc...you get the drift. But if you think of yourself as looking human with all of the required body parts - then you will look human. Some people like to form a penis and/or vagina or an anus. Because that is what they are used to seeing and dealing with in the physical sense. But there is no requirement to do so. Make sense? Astral sex can occur with penatration or by "walking" into one another. It's up to the ones involved. This is way way much more than just being spiritual. It involves the energy of your body, mind, emotions, and yes, spirituality. It's all of it as a whole - not in pieces. As far as knowing if the other person likes what you are doing as you are doing it - in the astral sense, that is flat out wrong. What I mean is if you are pleasing someone in the astral layers you cannot switch back to the physcial and ask them if it's working and then switch back. You have to go back to your body - ask (if they are back in their body they can tell you) and then astral project again. Your consious mind can only be in one spot at one time - it can't split between your astral body and your physical body. The only OBE sex method where you can find out immediately if someone is being satisfied is via telepathic sex. Hope this helps to answer your questions and I didn't confuse you even more! Take care, Allie :) |
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hi Allie,
you just posted something I wanted to know. Now I understand well when I see myself kissing my detective lover...I see my lips moving hahaha,.. same thing when i give him oral sex. You are great!!! you explain things easy to understand...can you see somebody else's future? I want this guy for me...but he says there is something that attached him to his wife..I dont know if it's legal or a whichcraft or what. I consulted a physic and she told me he can't leave her....because there is something that stops him from leaving her. can you see my future? |
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In reply to this post by Allie
I astral projected whilst lucid dreaming this morning and had my first experience of astral sex. It felt like a loving exchange of energy. Would you class this as dream sex or astral sex. The being told me he was 'extra-physical' and appeared to be an astral being.
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Hi Lainey!
Astral travel and dreaming are basicly the same thing. The only difference is when you dream your body & consious mind are fast asleep. So if you were asleep - then it was dream sex. It's perfectly normal to see an energy "being" in a dream since dreams & astral travel are on the same realms. Hope that helps! Take care, Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi Allie,
I am new to Astral projection, and I really want to try it (especially astral sex). Can you give me a step-by-step guide as to how i can astral project and how to get a partner? Also, how can I protect myself from the bad spirits, etc. Also, for an astral partner, can you make someone up... like a character or something... I dunno!! Thank you! |
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Hey MayaMaya!
I JUST saw this. I'm so sorry that's it's been a few months since you posted it. The best step by step for astral projection I have found is from Robert Bruce at Astral Dynamics. For astral sex - experiencing it and finding a partner I have details throughout the site and in my book Out of Body Ecstasy. There's 7 + years of posts on the blog at outofbodyecstasy.com that just about everything that can help you (including protection) should be there or in the book. Have a fun time :) Allie |
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3rdEyeGang |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Okay so Sunday august 30th I had a very lucid dream I had sex with another woman. Can't quite make out the face but I'm pretty certain she had brown hair! We were at her or mines warehouse job when we kept meeting in the corner of a parking lot. She always parked there and left a spot for Me to park. One day we met here and had sex. I was ready to ejaculate after two pumps, it was the most intense, orgasmic experience ever. I woke up because I knew I was about to cum and didn't wanna shoot it all over myself and casually woke up grabbed my penis and it came out. I wish I could have finished inside of her. I went right back to sleep with the intention of getting her phone number? I was successful and woke up. My girlfriend lying next to me suddenly asks, who's phone number did u have on the fridge? This spooked me out. She knew I had gotten this girls number. I denied it because she seemed so jealous and couldn't tell her the full story. I feel lying distorted my dream and I can't recall anything else but these parts. I want to meet back up with this girl. I feel we had a connection. Unlike any iv had with anyone else.
Her car in the dream was dark green and it was smaller ! I hope to find this woman someday. Or I hope to find her again in my dream! Please reply if for some reason you feel as if this were you !!! |
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In reply to this post by Allie
I want to have astral sex with my girlfriend, but she lives on the other side of the state. How would i get there, and would I be able to get back?
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Energy-wise she could live in the next universe and it wouldn't matter. Energy does not have limitations.
To learn the basics on astral travel/projection (which you need to know to have astral sex) I recommend studying the works of Robert Bruce at AstralDynamics.com. Once you get astral travel down - astral sex is a piece of cake. Happy OBE'ing! Allie |
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asking a question as a troubled Virgin, is it possible to have s_x with an energy form body in the higher ups, that would somehow feel just a ''reaL'' solid as on 3D earth ? i keep thinking about all the forms being like a wispy vapour but that may not be the case ? will hugging and all contact feel reaL ??? thanx Todd ohio st univ |
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Hey Todd!
Yes - it will feel real. How they appear to you - solid, see-through-whispy - is unique to each person. Enjoy yourself! Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by Allie
How might one be able to tell if they are projecting themselves or connected telepathically? Or how might one be able to create astral protection from undesired astral/psychic interactions?
-Trevor |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Oh goodness, where to begin. I started emailing about business with a man who helped me to see that I was in an abusive relationship. He said kind words and believed in me and my dreams. I ended up leaving my abuser and felt the energy if this man (he makes music and his music helped as well) Shortly after returning home and starting a completely new life, I began to feel like someone was stimulating me and felt it was him. While running from my ex husband, I saw the past lives of me and this man and also crossed paths with him in my reality physically and saw him!! In this experience, it became clear to me that we are very much connected. I was supposed to go with him when I saw our past and future but my ex had such control over me, I ended up going back with him for a few days. Anyways, the sexual stimulation has continued for months now. I achieve better sexual experiences with his energy then I ever did with my husband. I come to my point; the past few days the stimulation has changed. It feels like he is actually on top of my, penetrating me, and it even feels like he is holding my hands and is physically laying on top of me. All of this is very enjoyable of course. I am never able to make it happen, it seems like he is the one in control as it will come on while I'm doing the most inane things like driving or reading a book! But that too changed yesterday. I was able to initiate it for the first time since this began. I don't think he is aware as I have correlated his real life actions compared to when I am feeling this and sometimes he's posting on the internet while I'm mid-O. It feels like perhaps we are in different dimensions or time realities. Any idea what's going on Allie????
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Hi, Annagrace!
Responded to this question in the Telepathic Sex section, Thanks! Allie :) |
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In reply to this post by TeaJe004
Hi, TeaJe004!
How to know if you're connected: https://outofbodyecstasy.com/telepathic-sex-vs-fantasy/ You will not know if you are projecting until you are consciously aware that you are projecting. It's like dreaming and then realizing you are in a dream. You don't know you are dreaming until something triggers the realization. To learn astral projection, I recommend the master of projection, Robert Bruce: http://amzn.to/2kquDCc Happy ONB'ing! Allie :) |
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Killer_Instinct |
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In reply to this post by Allie
I've had similar astral sex experiences, though some of them were not very pleasant. I've had very unhappy entities try to drain me as I remain unconscious of what's going on. They even mess with me to the point they cause me to experience things that disgust me. I got much disgust and discontent towards LGBT, perhaps this was why they kept trying to make me experience sexual encounters with an entity of the same gender as me(I'm a Male) or seeing two women do it. The moment I wake up, I head back to that dream to destroy it, and the entities responsible, but it hasn't stopped unfortunately. So even though I'm having fun, I got 'attacks' from entities, it turns out they can't get me to reincarnate back on this miserable planet. They must be pissed off at me :D
That said, I've been able to express full control as I'm conscious of my experience via OBE or Daydreaming. I could take any form with my astral body and make multiples of me having these experiences with my thought forms of many beautiful women that I manifested. And I was able to stimulate the 'feelings' in an energetic way, as to make it much more pleasurable. I'm avoiding doing it with another astral human due to an incident I had in an OBE state. What was a beautiful woman turned out to be a guy who took the form of one, I got mad and told him to "fuck off!" and he did. And also, this makes a guarantee I'm not gonna be a target for succubus entities that try to come after me. |
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