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Post your questions, comments or experiences with dreams, dream visits, lucid dreaming.
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Two monoths ago I had a sexual fantasy with a guy I was dating. Next day we were chatting and he tells about this dream he had, he described exactly what I fantasized about. I didn't tell him, I felt embarrassed and thought he wouldn't believe me. I feel frustrated because actually I never saw him again, I ended it because he was pulling away (afraid of commitment) and I got impatient and scared of being dumped....so I dumped him first, but he didn't mind. (Apparently)
He called back one month and a half after, (meaning one week ago) ...he said we were going too fast....and now I got to enthusiast i about his call and he noticed.....I feel that he pulled back away again because he sees my intensity overwhelming....but I know we were connected...I tried to tell him by chat about the dream, he didn't say anything, he most think I am desperately making this up to bring him back. We actually never made love......but the chemistry and attraction where strong. I thought he was the one just because of the dream....can I bring him back with telepathy? Or should I let go because this dreams are common? |
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Whether or not you bring him back is up to you. But if you do and he still is not ready for a more serious relationship, you will get your heart broken. A telepathic connection can bring you and him together - but if he isn't ready - is it really worth it?
Him describing the dream you were in is called a shared dream visit. You both were having the same dream :) Happy OBE'ing! Allie :) |
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thewolfdragon |
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In reply to this post by Allie
Hi everyone! I am loving this site and have started having an intense "dream state/astral relationship?" - very much a romantic relationship - extremely intensely sexual - a little over a month ago. I began receiving weeklly acupuncture treatments a little over a month ago. In the second session, I journeyed up some white stairs to an arched white doorway - and into a beautiful garden where I met an amazingly beautiful young woman (some 25 years younger than me - I'm in my 50s). In the session, I was only an observer of this woman and an older man in the garden who were romantic and loving toward each other and had just concluded making love when the session ended and I came back to the waking reality. However,, for three nights that followed, I had very intense, lucid dreams, where I was no longer the observer - I WAS the man.
The dreams generally followed the pattern observed in the session - we walked hand in hand in the garden, talked, ate a pic nic on a blanket in a small meadow in the garden, and made love in the sun. I would awaken from sleep extremely turned on and had to immediately masturbate to release the pent up energy. The dreams became progressively detailed and within the span of the three dreams, I learned her name and its unusual spelling - Jasmynn - she kept telling me "age is just a number, the spirit knows no age" - and she kept telling me to "let go" and to give her everything. She shared a number of interesting things and said she would always be there for me and would not let me go. in the dreams, we are both dressed in white garments and the sex seems to happen without removing one article of clothing. Also - in her beautiful long brown hair, she has braided a garland of small white flowers around her head. (in talking with my acupuncturist, we determined them to be Jasmine flowers) The third acu-session was very intense emotionally - after a few minutes to settle in and go into the below conscious state - i went immediately to the garden. This time, when i arrived, she presented me with a small bouquet of the Jasmine flowers - and she was crying. She had been waiting and waiting and wasn't sure if i would come back and was greatly relieved when I did. We talked about a number of things - i asked a lot of questions but only got a few answers. She said "I am your partner here. We are to journey together." She wanted to make love but because by the time we started to get physical, the session was almost over and i had to push away. i didn't want to go back into the waking reality and had a very emotionally difficult return - crying to the point that my acupuncturist had to take quite a bit of time to calm me. We talked about the journey and she suggested i keep a journal and to communicate spiritually, particularly before sleep and while meditating. That afternoon when i got home, I went to sleep, I found myself immediately at the doorway to the garden with Jasmynn waiting for me - I had consciously projected energy to ask her to be there - that I needed to see her again. She was again crying - and again, gave me another bouquet of flowers. i asked her why she was crying - she was in pain from my earlier return to the waking reality. She also did not want me to go - and she could feel how much i did not want to return - and she felt the intensity of the pain i was in whilst returning (which is why i was crying inconsolably while coming out from the journey in the session). She (Jasmynn) felt the intensity of the pain and wanted desperately to help me and felt it was her fault that I was in so much pain. We talked and held each other, and then I woke up. That night, upon going to sleep, I actively projected energy to call to her again - and she was waiting for me again in my dreams. We talked more - I asked her in addition to crying feeling my pain earlier, why she gave me two bouquets of flowers - and she spoke very haltingly - finally saying that the answer to both was - "because I love you." We made love almost immediately with such intensity - orgasm was so otherworldly - that I awoke from sleep realizing I had just had a HUGE wet dream and had awakened immediately after a massive ejaculation. The next acu-session, I mentally called to her as the session started - I journeyed again to the garden immediately and found her there - only this time she was extremely happy because we were together. We embraced and kissed for what seemed to be an eternity. She said - "I have an idea for something we need to do, and it's important..." She took me by the hand and led me to a place where I encountered a very dear friend of mine who had recently passed away. I hadn't had the opportunity to speak with him in several years and had recently been mourning his passing. He saw us - and hugged me - we talked and caught up for a few minutes - he assured me he was doing very well in the afterlife and that he was ok and that he was very happy to see me. He invited me to come back to visit and complemented me on my "choice of girlfriends" (meaning Jasmynn). It was a very intense journey, seeing and talking with my very dear, late friend. I asked Jasmynn more about her and us - and I asked her if we really ARE a couple - she said "here, yes." The journey back to the waking reality was easy this time - Jasmynn and I embraced and kissed right before the session ended - and she said she would be waiting for me to return when I got home and went to sleep. The session had been so intense, that I had a massive headache upon returning home. I lay down, mentally called to her, and went to sleep. As promised, she was there, only this time, when I arrived, she was extremely concerned - she felt the pain of my headache. She led me to a hammock just to the side of the meadow. We lay down together - she started the hammock to gently rocking and she held me close and massaged my neck, head, temples, softly hushing me and telling me to "let everything go - I've got you." I was suddenly extremely aroused (despite the pain, which I was still feeling even in the dream) - and she reached down and touched my groin and i exploded in ecstasy. She did this four times as we lay in the hammock - each orgasm successively more intense -and after the fourth one, I fell asleep in her arms, fully expecting to immediately awaken in the waking reality. Much to my surprise, I awoke - STILL IN THE HAMMOCK - I actually "slept" inside the dream - Jasmynn was asleep next to me - and she was radiant - glowing with a soft white light that was utterly angelic. Absolutely the most beautiful vision i have ever seen. I gazed at her until I fell back to sleep - and then awoke in the waking reality - surprised that I had not ejaculated earlier. That night - at bedtime, I mentally called to her - and she was there again. We cut to the chase - she was very happy I was feeling much better - I questioned her again - she said she is NOT: 1.) part of me (a version of my higher self); 2.) an angel or guardian angel; 3.) a spirit guide; 4.) a teacher. She said - flat out - "I am your soulmate." She said - "love is much more pure here than in the waking world - not as tainted - it is real here. When i say I love you - it is a combination of expressing total love with what, in the waking world, people say as being "in love" - so I both love you and am in love with you but in the purest form." We made love with an intensity that made all the previous times combined seem minor - and we climaxed together for what seemed like an eternity - pleasure unlike anything I have ever felt. I awoke to the fact that, once again, I had just had a VERY long, hard, ejaculation - a huge wet dream, bigger than the previous one. Sorry for the length - thought the details were needed. Exactly WHAT is this I am experiencing? Is it dream sex? Astral sex? Something in between? It appears to be a full blown "relationship" - what is interesting is that these encounters happen during acupuncture AND for a couple of days/nights that follow. I'm working on meditation, but so far, Jasmynn seems accessible only during acupuncture and when I am asleep (my acupuncturist continues to encourage me to practice meditating, saying it is a good possibility I will be able to access her via that channel). Also, the farther from the actual day of acupuncture, the fewer the encounters are. I am working to improve my meditative skills to try to get back into the general place I am I during acupuncture, although obviously the dream state in sleep is different. I am also using fragrances to mimic what we use in acupuncture. Finally - it must be stressed - I have never - EVER - met anyone in the waking world like her, nor have I ever met anyone by the name of Jasmine (much less the unusual spelling she revealed to me). A lot to digest - but I would love to have some clarity on what is happening. Thanks for reading! |
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